Candice Michelle Attacks Melina At Convention, Calls Former WWE Star “Difficult To Work With”

Candice Michelle has reportedly “attacked” her former WWE colleague Melina at a recent fan convention, with some scathing comments aimed towards the former WWE Women’s Champion about her conduct while working with Michelle.

The former WWE Diva was released by the promotion in June 2009, and stayed out of the wrestling world completely since then. The Wisconsin wrestler wrestled one last match against Victoria in 2017, but still holds a grudge against Melina from their time together in the WWE.

Candice Michelle Calls Melina “Difficult to Work With”

As shown on Instagram by FemaleLockerRoom, Candice Michelle verbally attacked Melina during a panel at a comic book convention, speaking about her time working with Melina in the WWE. She reportedly called Melina “difficult to work with”, while Melina (who was also in attendance) was not given the chance to speak in return.

“So, coming into the business and the differences between me and Melina…” Candice Michelle said, before being interupted by Meline. “You can interupt me all you want, but the truth is that Melina was difficult to work with. We put our differences aside, we’ve grown up and you say ‘Why do you tell people I was difficult to work with?’ – because you were!”

“Her being so overwhelming was the best motivation for me. Whenever somebody tells you no, that’s when you really get the power. That’s when you really make things happen. And I didn’t get it to go and train at a wrestling school – I was lucky enough to go straight to the WWE (Candice Michelle was discovered in the Diva Search contest)”.

It seems Melina’s issue was that Candice Michelle did not earn her spot in the WWE, and didn’t train with a proper wrestling school before joining the WWE.

This comes just one day after Candice Michelle spoke to Busted Open Radio about the end of her WWE career. The former WWE Women’s Champion revealed that she suffered from multiple injuries, including concussions and broken bones at the end of her career, and was released by the WWE while she was trying to get back into ring shape in 2009.

The truth is, wasn’t until recently I realized what really happened. I experienced a massive trauma — I was knocked out on TV, I had a massive concussion, broke my collar bone, shattered the collar bone, had a huge surgery, tore two ligaments in my ankle … and as wrestlers, you guys know we don’t want to stop. I kept trying to come back too early, just dealing with the physical element. I never even knew there’s a way to deal with it. Now, in my life, that’s what I do — I’m helping people deal with emotional traumas that get stuck in our bodies.

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