Gunther’s Matches Before WWE That Convinced Triple H To Make Him A Star

Before he was the WWE’s record-breaking Intercontinental Champion, Gunther was one of the biggest stars on the European indie wrestling scene. Wrestling under a stylized version of his real name, WALTER was a huge attraction across the continent, akin to a modern-day Andre The Giant.

Whether it be on mainland Europe, Great Britain or Ireland, WALTER constantly put on the best matches against a wide-variety of opponents. He was an old-school type of wrestling, with big hits and big suplexes the bulk of his arsenal, along with his incredible technical skills for a man his size.

Gunther started out as Big Van Walter, working for WxW in Germany. He then moved all over the continent, becoming champion wherever he went and putting on classic after classic matches. Due to his then-wife, he refused to move to the United States, which made Triple H sign him for NXT UK and make him the longest-reigning United Kingdom Champion in WWE history.

However, before WWE he was already one of the best wrestlers in the world. Here are some of the matches that convinced the WWE to sign Gunther and push him as the most dominant force in WWE today.

Gunther Before WWE

WALTER vs Will Ospreay

One of the best matches of Gunther’s career, before or after his WWE run, came against a young Will Ospreay in a titanic clash in Ireland. At the OTT 4th Anniversary Show, Ospreay attempted to end the legendary world title reign of WALTER in a match that showed a glimpse of the future of professional wrestling, way ahead of its time.

It was a true “David vs Goliath” match. The clash of styles, with Ospreay’s high-flying and fast-paced wrestling meeting the big hitting, dominant style of WALTER, oddly complimented each other perfectly, with Ospreay getting off some incredible displays of aerial dominance before being swatted down by the Austrian giant.

The match was full of drama, with Ospreay’s comeback sequences truly something to behold, even if WALTER did continually get the better of him. WALTER retained his OTT World Championship after nearly half an hour, emphasizing that he and Will Ospreay were two of the best wrestlers outside the WWE.

With rumors that Will Ospreay could be signing for the WWE once his NJPW contract expires next year, WWE fans will be holding their breath as the wait to see if we’ll get a rematch between Will Ospreay and Gunther, on the biggest stage of them all.

WALTER vs Zack Sabre Jr

If you thought that the previous match had a clash of styles, then you haven’t seen anything yet. While WALTER’s style is one completely of his own, Zack Sabre Jr is clearly inspired by the history of European “Catch as Catch Can” wrestling.

The Englishman employs an unending chain of submission moves, designed to inflict as much continuous pain onto his opponents as possible. With his unique style for 2023, he has grown into a top star in New Japan Pro Wrestling, and even wrestled Bryan Danielson at AEW WrestleDream 2023, in one of the all-time great matches.

However, the performance against PWG Champion WALTER at PROGRESS Chapter 77: Pumpkin Spice PROGRESS is arguably even more impressive – without the technical wizard that is Bryan Danielson opposite him, Zack Sabre Jr had to dig down deep into his arsenal to try and take down the formidable Austrian.

The match saw a much beefier version of WALTER using his immense strength and power to overcome ZSJ, who tried to tie him in knots with his various unpredictable submission moves. Some of the chops WALTER gave him were bordering on abusive, going further than anybody expected in a technical wrestling match.

WALTER won the match when he countered an innovative Zack Sabre Jr pin by locking him in the Sleeper Hold, and forcing the former PWG Champion to tap out.

Big Van Walter vs. Daisuke Sekimoto

If the term “big meaty men slapping meat was ever applicable, it is in this match. In WxW in 2012, a young, much bigger WALTER did battle with another hard hitter, this time in Japanese star Daisuke Sekimoto.

Then wrestling under the name “Big Van WALTER” (and as Big Daddy Walter in their rematch), WALTER did battle in a slowly built, but ultra-physical match-up that saw his wXw Unified World Wrestling Title being put on the line against one of the top stars in Big Japan Pro-Wrestling history, in Daisuke Sekimoto.

It was a stiff, brutal encounter that saw the two big men trading big shot after big shot, neither wanting to give the other any space. It was a big hoss fight, something that is always a sight to see in wrestling, but rarely at the level seen in this match.

This match is one example of what made WALTER before WWE a different breed to anything else they had in the company. Even in 2012, well before his peak in wrestling, he could put on brilliant matches with other big-hitters, as well as technical masterclasses and styles-clashing bouts at a moments notice.

WALTER won the match with a top-rope powerbomb, a move that would become a regular part of his finishing arsenal in the WWE, years later.

It seems clear that these three matches showcase everything great about how Gunther can work, and showed Triple H just what he could do in a WWE ring if given the chance.

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