WWE 2K23 News & Royal Rumble Predictions! – Atletifo Wrestling Podcast

In the first episode of the Atletifo Wrestling Podcast, Hamish & Matt take a deep dive into the world of professional wrestling.

More than six months after the final episode of the Cast Man Standing podcast aired, we are back with our official podcast!

In this debut episode, we look into the recently announced WWE 2K23 and how John Cena being the cover star will affect this year’s game. We look ahead to the 2023 Royal Rumble match and decide who will win – Sami Zayn or Cody Rhodes?

Plus, a special reading of the romance of the decade – feature Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and WWE legend THE Brian Kendrick!

You can watch the podcast below or listen to it right now on Spotify – click this link or search “Atletifo Wrestling Podcast” on Spotify to listen to the very first episode.

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