The Dark Tale of Mr Kennedy’s Wrestling School

Mr Kennedy is a name hardcore wrestling fans will remember from time gone by. In WWE he was most famous as the loud-mouthed Mr Kennedy, who won the Money in the Bank contract at WrestleMania 23.

In TNA, he debuted in Mr Anderson and is a former TNA World Champion. He had some excellent matches in the promotion including against Kurt Angle, but his backstage attitude and alcohol issues caused rifts between himself and managed.

He has since made appearances in NWA, but again backstage issues with management put an end to his run. Now in his mid 40s, his chance of a return to WWE seem slim and his career seems all but over.

Mr Kennedy has since tried his hand at running a wrestling school. He opened “The Academy: School of Wrestling” in 2016 and has claimed to have trained a number of wrestlers. Darius and Dante Martin, and Julia Hart of AEW have all been trained my Mr Anderson, and have gone from strength to strength in their short careers due to his training.

However, once student of his wrestling school has recently posted some worrying information on the reddit subreddit “SquaredCircle”, the biggest wrestling community on the site.

The user, who called themselves sdmnmnsd, had this to say about Mr Anderson’s wrestling school.

“Ken Anderson’s wrestling school has been closed for quite some time now and has not opened or resumed like other gyms and recreational sports.

He’s been taking in new recruits for over a year now during the pandemic with no facility or real date set in place. Not having a facility to train in was not disclosed during the signup process.

He’s gone silent and his only update every 2-3 months is that they’re in talks with a realtor for a new facility but no real progress comes out of it.

Students have now been enrolled for close to two years with no training in sight, not even remote homework like tape study, character development or promos. His official website for the school has since gone down, which doesn’t help the situation or convey a good message.

I’m bringing attention to the wrestling community since reaching out to him directly or his wrestling school’s Facebook page isn’t working, even though we’ve left multiple messages for any sort of update.

My hope is that this makes it to the front page and he’s made aware of it and is encouraged to come up with a real plan for reopening or issues refunds to all students that haven’t been trained. I moved to Minnesota for wrestling training and I can’t commit like I was able to close to TWO years ago. Two years is too long.

Thank you for reading.”

Accusations of inebriation

Other reddit users have since gone on to accuse the former United States champion of inappropriate behaviour during his training sessions.

One user accused Mr Anderson of turning up to training “drunk” and “smelling like alcohol”, something not appropriate for a trainer training students in a potentially life-threatening sport. They also make comment about how he hasn’t posted on social media recently and how the other owners of the school have been absent from training as well.

“Somebody posted here recently saying he was showing up to shows or tapings intoxicated and/or smelling like alcohol. Not sure where they got that info though so it could very well be false.

He hasn’t posted anything on his social media in over 2 months.

At some point the Daivari Brothers and Molly Holly were also trainers or co owner of the wrestling school. Perhaps you could try reaching out to them for info.

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