Bray Wyatt’s hidden gem moment lives long in the memory

Bray Wyatt passed away last year unexpectedly, after having one of the most exciting, yet too short, careers in WWE history.

The former WWE and Universal Champion shocked the WWE Universe with his incredibly supernatural characters, including being a cult leader, a ghostly old woman, and a devil in a mask.

However, none of these are what fans truly remember Wyatt for. In 2016, he produced a moment that has gone down in history as a true hidden gem of the WWE.

Bray Wyatt’s “Hidden Gem” explained

The “hidden gem” moment came from the episode of Raw two weeks after WrestleMania 32. Wyatt teamed up with Roman Reigns for the first time in a tag team match against the League of Nations, in the main event of the episode.

It was during this match on April 11th, 2016 that one of the coolest finishes in WWE history took place, one that nobody has shut up about since.

At the climax of the match, which pitted Reigns and Wyatt against the duo of Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio (with Rusev at ringside), the Eater of Worlds hit Del Rio with his “Sister Abigail” move, before pinning him in the centre of the ring.

This was during a very, very short face run for Wyatt. He became a good guy the week prior, and would suffer injury soon after this match in what would be his sole face run in the WWE under the Wyatt character (his last run was just…confusing).

The crowd popped huge for Wyatt as he pinned Del Rio, but soon noticed former WWE Champion Sheamus running into the ring to break up the pin.

Watt then pointed his finger gun (pow-pow!) at Sheamus, before the Celtic Warrior ate a huge spear as the referee counted to three, and award Wyatt and Reigns the victory.

The Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns’ spear combination was a really cool moment that showed how Wyatt could work as a face. He could be a commanding leader, who lead his teammates into battle with great strategic intelligence, who also nailed the finger gun point (see: pow-pow!)

You can watch this moment by clicking down below:

It became a meme due to the Internet wrestling community

Bray Wyatt’s hidden gem moment has become a meme across the internet, despite it being one of the best moments of the former WWE Champion’s career.

The moment became one of those moments that people claimed was “underrated”, yet everyone agreed it was an awesome moment.

In this case, that “hidden gem” moniker is applied to this Bray Wyatt & Roman Reigns combined effort.

Fans had never seen Wyatt pandering to the fans before, as he usually spent his time singing creepy songs and losing to John Cena.

It was the first time he was able to do something to intentionally pop the fans, and the combination with Reigns did just that.

The moment is constantly referred to as a “hidden gem” and called “underrated” by various members of the internet wrestling community, mainly on the reddit sub /r/squaredcircle.

This has led to the moment, and the phrase “hidden gem” becoming a meme in itself on the sister subreddit to the internet wrestling community hub.

This sub is called /r/SCJerk, with the purpose of making fun of the users on /r/SquaredCircle and laughing at the things they post.

This includes the constant use of the term “hidden gem” to the refer to Bray Wyatt’s finger point and Reigns’ spear on Sheamus, so much that a photo of the moment is posted almost on a daily basis.

Here are just a few examples of that kind of posts on the subreddit:

The meme has also extended to Twitter (X), with a number of posters referencing the hidden gem.

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