Al Snow Explains Why He Doesn’t Have A Finishing Move

Al Snow has spoken about finishing moves in wrestling, explaining why he doesn’t have a finishing move when he wrestles.

The veteran Snow is a veteran of the wrestling world. He became a big star in ECW in the 1990s, before becoming a big part of the WWE during the Attitude Era.

Alongside his mannequin head (aptly named “Head”), he became a hugely popular wrestler as the time, winning numerous titles and garnering huge pops from the crowd.

While many remember his “Snow Plow” finisher ending his matches during the Attitude Era, Al Snow reveals how that wasn’t actually his finisher – and how he doesn’t have a finisher at all!

In a video posted by “The Hannibal TV“, Al Snow explained to a group of students the concept of a finishing move, laughing at them for thinking they had a “finisher” of their own.

He went on to explain how you don’t “have” a finishing move until you’ve beaten “a hundred people with it consecutively”.

The reason for this is to condition the fans to think it is the finish, in order to lull them into a false sense of security for a “false finish”.

“How many of you have finishing moves? Put your hands up! Not a one of you, not a one of you have a finishing move. Are you fooling the marks? Spare me!” Al Snow remarked, speaking to a school of wrestling trainees,

“You do not have a goddamn finishing move. You beat them with it? How many of you beat them with it? How often have you beat them with it? The only time you have a finishing move is if you beat a hundred people with it consecutively.”

He then explained how his “finisher” in the WWE (the Snow Plow) was not actually his finish – because he never beat anybody with it!

Instead, Al Snow explained how he doesn’t have a “finish” in the traditional sense, but instead hitting his opponent with “head” is his finish.

“The only way you have a finishing move is if you have taught the audience that, ‘I do power slams, and every time I hit the power slam, I win. You know what my finish is? Is it the snow plow? No, people kick out of that all the goddamn time.”

I don’t have a finish. I hit people with a foreign object. That’s my finish. So, if I were to do a false finish, what would I have to do to make it a false finish? Because for it to be a false finish, they have to believe it’s the finish. That’s what makes it false. See how that works?”

“So, what would I have to do to make a false finish? I’d have to hit him with a… and then he’d have to kick out. Then it would be a false finish. Otherwise, it’s not false. Guys, just because they make noise doesn’t make it false.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please give a H/T to Atletifo for the transcription.

Al Snow is currently a part owner of former WWE developmental territory OVW, where he wrestles to this day.

He still doesn’t have a finishing move.

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