Chris Jericho Says Hulk Hogan Is His Favourite Opponent

Chris Jericho has called Hulk Hogan his favourite opponent ever, before claiming that the WWE Hall of Famer is the greatest worker ever -even above Ric Flair.

Chris Jericho himself lays claim to being the best of all time, with a career spanning decades, generations and continents, winning titles in Canada, the US, Japan and Mexico.

However, he has claimed that Hulk Hogan is “one of my all-time favorite opponents”, and said that he gave Hogan his last “great matches” Hulk Hogan ever had in wrestling.

Writing in his second book, “Undisputed: How To Become World Champion In 1,372 Easy Steps”, Chris Jericho talked about his brief run with Hulk Hogan, and the matches they had together.

“He had come back to the WWE to work, and he was smart enough to realize that I could make him look as good as he wanted to. And he wanted to look good.”

“The match we had in Pittsburgh and the follow-up in Chicago were two of my all-time favorite matches and (dare I say it) two of the last great matches Hulk had. But I made him work hard.”

“He took a Lionsault and a DDT and gave me a second-rope superplex. The pièce de résistance was when he went for his patented leg drop and I grabbed his legs from the mat and put him into the Walls.”

“I could tell that Hulk enjoyed working with me, and soon I was up against him at every show he was on. He let me put together the entire match and trusted my judgment entirely.”

“He’d get to the arena and ask, ‘What are we doing tonight, brother?’ I would run through my ideas and he’d say, ‘Sounds goodski, brother.’ (For some reason he had a penchant for adding a ‘-ski’ at the end of random words the same way my friends and I have since high school.)”

“He was really impressed with the guys from my generation, who were more interested in having a good match than in trying to get their shit in. He was right, the new generation had a different attitude than the older generation, and before long Hulk was working the same way we were.”

“He wanted to have good matches—not that it was too hard to do that. He was so over with the fans and had them in the palm of his hand at all times, so it was a lot of fun to wrestle him.”

“I would rate Hogan as one of my all-time favorite opponents. He was a master of including the fans and getting them involved in the match every step of the way.”

“One time a kid was holding a sign that said HOGAN IS A JEDI. When I took umbrage to that blasphemy and ripped the sign into pieces, Hogan grabbed me in a full nelson, took me over to the kid, and let him take a free shot. Then he gave the kid a high five and said, ‘May the Force be with you, brother!'”

“One time a kid was holding a sign that said HOGAN IS A JEDI. When I took umbrage to that blasphemy and ripped the sign into pieces, Hogan grabbed me in a full nelson, took me over to the kid, and let him take a free shot. Then he gave the kid a high five and said, ‘May the Force be with you, brother!'”

While this book came out some years ago, Chris Jericho has not been shy about his praise toward Hulk Hogan even to this day.

Chris Jericho Says Hulk Hogan Is Better Than Ric Flair

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair

As a noted childhood Hulkamaniac, Jericho has always been complimentary toward the WWE Hall of Famer, despite being kept down by him in WCW.

In an episode of “Talk Is Jericho”, a Watchalong show where Chris Jericho, Bryan Alvarez, and “Big Vinny V” Vincent Verhei watch the Saturday Night’s Main Event episode that aired on NBC on November 27, 1987. 

Jericho talked about Hulk Hogan, while they watched the legendary Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant match, that saw Andre win the WWF Championship for the only time in his career.

In the episode, Chris Jericho made the bold claim that Hulk Hogan is a better worker than Ric Flair. Flair is generally considered the greatest of all time, so this was quite the claim by Y2J.

“I will say to this day and people will bag. Here’s a clickbait. Hogan is a better worker than Flair. For me. I always had amazing matches with Hogan because he knew exactly who he was as a babyface, as a heel, whatever.”

“He was so great. He knew his audience. He didn’t do anything he didn’t have to. It was one of my favorite times in my career.”

“Here’s another great thing about Hogan. Like you don’t even think about it. But the dude had like a super receding hairline. But no one even really noticed it back then…We all did, but you didn’t.”

“It’s just Hogan, right? Like, it’s weird. He’s like America’s hero with no hair now that would never go, he’d put a toupee on or something.”

While the point about him being the best worker could be considered true, due to everyone’s different perception of what a “worker” should be, the part about the hair is nonsense.

Jokes about Hogan’s hair have been going on for nearly 50 years at this point, and to say that nobody noticed his hairline running away from him is ridiculous.

Hulk Hogan may be the best worker of all time (according to Chris Jericho), but his hairline was definitely noticed.

You can click below to read about why Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair never happened at WrestleMania.

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