Dolph Zigglers On Money In The Bank Cash In – “You’re Going To Lose Even More”

Dolph Ziggler has revealed why his Money in the Bank cash in was different than any other, and considered one of the best of all time.

On the Raw after WrestleMania 29, Dolph Ziggler finally cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase on Alberto Del Rio, winning the World Heavyweight Championship for the second time in his career.

The title change is considered one of the greatest of all time, although some say that Seth Rollins cash in at WrestleMania 31 is also up there.

The title reign was interrupted by a concussion, and Ziggler was never trusted in a main event position again. However, that does not take away from Dolph Ziggler’s cash in from the Raw after WrestleMania 29.

Speaking with Chris Van Vliet, Dolph Ziggler spoke about his Money in the Bank cash in, revealing how it was different to all the others in history.

He also reveals what Vince McMahon told him after winning the briefcase, and why he continued to lose so many matches following the victory.

Here’s why mine’s different than, if you want to say, sets at WrestleMania or like the first-ever one or whatever. I mean, the first-ever one was pretty cool. I didn’t understand the idea. That’s Edge, right?

But here’s why mine is better – because of what I just said. I lost every single match. Yeah, Vicky talked for me. I got Vicky, and then we go on to AJ and Big E, so I now have a group of three, and I’m losing every single match except for the ladder match, which was so fun.

There’s a great GIF of Tensai throwing me into the chairs, and I fly around my head. I went, and I win that. I go, “How are we going to build on this because I can’t just lose 900 matches in a row, win this one, and then lose 900 in a row again?”

And the boss goes, “Now you’re going to lose even more,” and not in a devious way. He goes, “Because you have this briefcase, and when that contract gets cashed in, everything is a race,” and I go, “Okay, that’s a fair point.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please HT to Atletifo for the transcription.

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