Mercedes Mone Suffers Broken Ankle At NJPW Event

Former WWE star Mercedes Mone suffered a broken ankle during her match with Willow Nightingale, at the latest NJPW Strong event.

The woman, formerly known as Sasha Banks, was wrestling the AEW Star for the chance to become the first ever NJPW Strong Women’s Champion.

Mone looked all set to become the inaugural holder of the belt, but a broken ankle forced the ending of the match to be changed on the fly.

She fell from the top rope to the outside during a planned spot, with PWInsider reporting that Mercedes Mone injured her ankle upon impact.

It llooks as though she has broken her ankle, but which could leave her out of action for up to 6 months, depending on how fell it heals.

PWInsider reported: “The word making the rounds backstage at the New Japan Pro Wrestling Resurgence event in California is that Mercedes Mone suffered a broken ankle during the main event against Willow Nightingale.  We will update as we confirm more details.”

Due to Mercedes Mone’s injury, the finish of the match was changed, and AEW’s Willow Nightingale became the first ever NJPW Strong Women’s Champion.

Mercedes Mone Injury

Mercedes Mone took to Twitter to talk about her terrible injury, following a fall at NJPW Resurgence.

She posted a video from her hospital bed, still in her ring gear, claiming that this was “not how I dreamed for tonight to go”.

With tears in her eyes, she was upbeat, proclaiming “I’m gonna heal and be back better than ever.”

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