Why Chris Benoit Isn’t In WWE 2K23 Revealed

Chris Benoit is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but his legacy has been completely removed by WWE.

The former World Heavyweight Champion was a WWE legend up until 2007, when he murdered his family before killing himself.

This was a disgusting act, forcing WWE to remove any mention of him from TV and ignore his past accomplishments.

However, many fans still want to play has Chris Benoit in WWE 2K23, being able to separate the art from the artist when it comes to Benoit.

Is Chris Benoit In WWE 2K23?

Chris Benoit is not included in WWE 2K23, either as part of the base game or as DLC.

Despite the record-breaking number of WWE Superstars and legends included in the latest edition of the game, Chris Benoit is one noted absence.

The former World Heavyweight Champion last appeared in a WWE game in 2007, as part of the roster for WWE’s Smackdown vs Raw 2007 video game.

This game was released in 2006, just one year before Benoit killed himself and his family, the night before a match with CM Punk at Vengeance 2007.

He has not been included in a game since as an official character, with WWE 2K23 being the next game in the series to lack The Rabid Wolverine.

WWE have also not taken too kindly to fans making their own versions of Chris Benoit in WWE games.

In previous years, any created character claiming to be Benoit was removed from their online servers, banning fans from downloading him.

How To Unlock Chris Benoit In WWE 2K23

Chris Benoit can be unlocked in WWE 2K23 by downloading him from Community Creations.

While WWE endeavors to remove any instance of Chris Benoit being uploaded to its servers, many versions of the wrestling legend are available to download.

By going onto Community Creations and search for his name, you should be able to download and unlock Chris Benoit as a playable character in WWE 2K23.

However, this model will be created by fans, and as such will not look as good as the real-life wrestlers in the game.

You can click the video below to see one of the created versions of Chris Benoit in WWE 2K23.

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