How Many Times Did The Undertaker Ever Beat Brock Lesnar?

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar has always been a blockbuster match. But how many times did The Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar during their career?

The pair fought a number of times over the years, and always in a huge main-event level match.

From their first encounters at the start of Brock Lesnar’s career, all the way to the end of The Streak and their final matches, we look at every time The Undertaker has beaten Brock Lesnar in a WWE match.

The Undertaker Wins vs Brock Lesnar

As of the time of writing, The Undertaker has beaten Brock Lesnar just once in singles matches throughout his career.

The first match between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar was at Unforgiven in 2002.

It was the first year of Lesnar’s career, and he was already being built up as “the next big thing” and was put into huge matches with big stars like The Rock and Rob Van Dam.

Brock Lesnar’s pinned The Rock for the WWE Championship, just months after his debut in the company.

Their first encounter was a double disqualification, before Lesnar won the rematch inside Hell in a Cell at No Mercy 2002.

They would not meet again until over a decade later. They faced off at Wrestlemania XXX (30) in a “streak” match. The Undertaker had gone 21 matches at Wrestlemania without a loss, giving him the “greatest streak in the history of sports”.

Brock Lesnar won that match after Undertaker suffered a concussion with the biggest win in WWE history, that reshaped his career going forward.

It would take another year, in 2015, for The Undertaker to finally get a win in singles matches over Brock Lesnar.

After interrupting Brock’s match with Seth Rollins at Battleground 2015, The Undertaker reignited his feud with The Beast Incarnate in the summer of 2015.

The Undertaker faced Brock Lesnar in a huge singles match at Summerslam 2015, one year after the Beast destroyed John Cena to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in one of the most shockingly brutal matches ever.

The match came about when Lesnar faced off with WWE Champion Seth Rollins at Battleground 2015.

Lesnar hit his signature F5 on Rollins, and was about to secure the victory with a pin fall before all of the lights went out.

Suddenly, The Undertaker appeared in the ring and began attacking him, taking out all of his rage and frustration from the end of the streak a year prior.

The Undertaker teleported Seth Rollins out of the ring, during his match with Brock Lesnar at Battleground 2015.

This set up a huge match at Summerslam. The build up was intense, with multiple pull apart brawls making both stars look huge and making fans excited to pay money to see the huge match up.

It main evented Summerslam, giving The Deadman his first pay per view main event in many years.

Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker main evented Summerslam 2015, in one fo their biggest matches yet.

The Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar at Summerslam 2015, but in controversial fashion. After 1 tombstone and 2 F5s(one through a table), Brock Lesnar made The Undertaker tap out to the Kimura Lock.

However the referee didn’t see it and never called it, but the timekeeper still rang the bell. This gave The Undertaker time to get out of the move, hit a huge low blow onto his opponent and locking in his “Hell’s Gate” Submission for the victory.

This is, to date, The Undertaker’s only victory over Brock Lesnar and even that wasn’t clean.

He must be one of the only people to have a winning record over the Deadman and will go down as one of his greatest rivals.

He has since retired and been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, meaning there is no chance for the Undertaker to get another win to try and even the score against his deadliest opponent.

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