Is Triple H retired? Will Triple H wrestle again in WWE or NXT?

Triple H is one of the best and most famous wrestlers in WWE history. He became a huge star during the Attitude Era, facing off with the likes of Steve Austin, The Undertaker and The Rock. He went on to become a 14-time world champion in WWE and went on to make NXT into one of the best wrestling shows in the world. But is Triple H retired? Will the Game ever wrestle again in WWE or NXT?

Is Triple H retired?

Triple H has not wrestled since 2019. He faced off with Batista at Wrestlemania 35 in the Animal’s retirement match, which was also Triple H’s last match at Wrestlemania. However, he wrestled one more time in 2019, during one of the Saudi Arabia shows.

At WWE Super Showdown 2019, Triple H faced off against long time partner and rival Randy Orton. The pair had wrestled many times over the years, including in the main event of Wrestlemania 24 and Wrestlemania 25. Both men are 14-time World Champions and the match was a “Dream Match” for the fans in Saudi Arabia.

Randy Orton won the match by hitting the Game with an RKO. This helped Orton to extend his Pay Per View win record, with him breaking the record for the most pay per view wins of all time in the following year.

That was the last match Triple H ever wrestled. He stayed in wrestling shape since then, but with a lack of crowds due to Covid-19 he elected to not wrestle until they got back.

Triple H Heart Attack

Sadly, Triple H suffered from a “Cardiac Event” in September 2021, thought to be similar to a heart attack or cardiac arrest. Whilst early reports described the event as “mild”, later revelations painted a much more serious picture for Triple H.

Dave Meltzer, of the Wrestling Observer, described the event as “very, very, very serious” as Triple H was forced into emergency heart surgery after the cardiac event. Triple H has not spoken out about the event, nor been seen in public with WWE since September. He has handed over the reigns of his own promotion, NXT, to his long time friend and partner Shawn Michaels while he recovers at home.

“He was sighted… Vince McMahon and other executives were there, they’re moving into a new office building and he was there while they were doing some work on it. But he’s pretty much out of it (the day-to-day operations). His situation, without going into detail on it, it was very serious.” Dave Meltzer said on Wrestling Observer Radio.

“He’s not back. He’s around and he can talk to people, but there’s a lot of stress in doing what he was doing. I don’t know when he’ll be back.”

In addition, when asked about the chances of Triple H returning to the ring for one last match, he gave an honest and candid answer to the questions.

‘I wouldn’t expect HHH to ever wrestle again” Meltzer said, “Although it is possible he may do one retirement match if he feels the need to leave on his own terms and doctors will clear him, but that’s not likely to be for a long time and he hasn’t even returned to behind-the-scenes work yet.”


Fans of Triple H will be disappointed to hear, given the great string of matches he has had over recent years. They would hope that they could see Triple H in the ring one more time before retiring, but it looks like that may be it for him. Triple H is retired and can hopefully return to his duties working backstage at NXT, although there is no timetable for his return yet.

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