What was Owen Hart’s Last Match Before His Death?

Owen Hart was a professional wrestler who was widely regarded as one of the most talented and innovative performers of his time.

Unfortunately, his career was cut short on May 23, 1999, when he tragically passed away during a stunt at a WWE pay-per-view event in Kansas City, Missouri.

The stunt was part of a storyline in which Hart was to descend from the rafters of the Kemper Arena while dressed as his “Blue Blazer” character.

The incident occurred during the “Over the Edge” pay-per-view event, which was being broadcast live on television.

Hart was to be lowered into the ring by a harness and cable, but something went wrong during the stunt, and he fell more than 70 feet to his death.

The tragedy of Hart’s death rocked the professional wrestling world and led to changes in the way that stunts and dangerous moves are performed in the industry.

It also marked the end of Hart’s career in the WWE, and his final match remains a poignant reminder of his talent and the impact he had on the sport.

In this article, we’ll take a look at Owen Hart’s last match in the WWE, before his untimely death.

Owen Hart’s Last Match

Owen Hart’s actual last match in WWE was on May 16, 1999, where he teamed up with Jeff Jarrett to defeat the team of Edge and Christian at a WWE house show in Kansas City, Missouri.

The match was a tag team match, with Jarrett and Hart working well together to take down their opponents. Hart displayed his usual impressive athleticism and technical wrestling skills, showcasing why he was considered one of the best in the business.

After the match, Hart took a moment to acknowledge the crowd and thank them for their support over the years. It was a poignant moment, as it would be the last time that Hart would perform in front of a live WWE audience.

owen hart last match

Less than a week later, on May 23, 1999, Hart tragically passed away during a stunt gone wrong at the “Over the Edge” pay-per-view event in the same city. The incident was a tragic reminder of the risks that come with performing in the world of professional wrestling and continues to be a part of Hart’s legacy.

While the circumstances of Hart’s passing are undoubtedly tragic, it’s important to remember his incredible legacy as a talented and innovative wrestler.

At Over the Edge 1999, Owen Hart was meant to wrestle The Godfather, in a match for the WWF Intercontinental Champion.

Hart was working under a mask, as his “Blue Blazer” gimmick, which is why he was to enter the ring on a zipline from the rafters.

Owen Hart’s last televised match was a tag team match on the May 11th, 1999 episode of Monday Night Raw. He teamed with Jeff Jarrett, in a loss against The Godfather and Val Venis.

1 thought on “What was Owen Hart’s Last Match Before His Death?”

  1. His last live house show match was in Rosemont IL May 22 1999 not May 16 in Kansas City. Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett vs Edge and Christian. I was there and still have the ticket

    WWF House Show (May 22, 99′)
    WWF House Show

    May 22, 1999
    Rosemont Horizon
    Chicago, Illinois
    Previous episode
    May 16
    Next episode
    June 5
    The WWF House Show is a House show produced by the World Wrestling Federation on May 22, 1999 at the Rosemont Horizon in Chicago, Illinois. This would be Owen Hart’s last match before he died the following night at Over the Edge 1999.
    Match Results
    (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
    Droz defeated Al Snow
    Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart defeated Christian & Edge
    Steve Blackman defeated Hardcore Holly in a Hardcore match
    Kane & X-Pac (c) defeated The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship
    Tori & Val Venis defeated D-Lo Brown & Ivory
    Ken Shamrock & Mankind defeated Mideon & Viscera
    The Godfather (c) defeated Goldust (w/ The Blue Meanie) to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship
    The Road Dogg defeated Billy Gunn by Count Out
    Steve Austin, The Big Show & The Rock defeated The Big Bossman, The Undertaker & Triple H in a Six Man Tag Team Street Fight
    See also


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