Hulk Hogan To AEW? Never Say Never, Claims Jeff Jarrett

Hulk Hogan to AEW is something that fans never expected to happen, but Jeff Jarrett doesn’t rule out the WWE Hall of Famer signing for the company.

All Elite Wrestling was built on the back of a harmonious locker room and work-rate wrestling. This is not something becoming of Hulk Hogan, so his inclusion in the company seemed unlikely.

In fact, he was banned from ever attending an AEW show by Tony Khan, following the racist ramblings of Hogan that came out in 2015.

However, this has not stopped the speculation from fans about Hulk Hogan joining AEW, with Jeff Jarrett commenting on the potential signing for Tony Khan’s company.

When asked if Hulk Hogan would ever join AEW, Jeff Jarrett said “never say never”, before listing off a host of wrestlers who the fans never thought would join a company, but eventually wrestled in places you’d never expect.

He cited Ric Flair, Jerry Lawler and Sting (twice!) as impossible situations that eventually happened, paving the way for Hulk Hogan to make his AEW debut some time in the future.

Speaking with, Jeff Jarrett said this about Hulk Hogan joining AEW:

“I’ve said this long before, a few people coined this phrase – never say never in this industry.

You can go back to the territory days. They said “Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee will never ever step foot in the same building”, but they did time and time again.

Would Ric Flair ever go to the WWF? Way back when? It happened.

Would Sting ever go to the WWF? Never gonna happen. Would Sting ever wrestle for TNA? Never gonna happen.

It always ends up. It’s professional wrestling!

The fanbase drives so much of our industry. That makes it exciting. You never know what’s going to happen.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit with a H/T to Atletifo for the transcription.

Tony Khan Banned Hulk Hogan and His Wife From AEW Events

While Jeff Jarrett can see Hulk Hogan appearing for AEW one day, All Elite Wrestling’s president Tony Khan is certainly against the idea.

Tony Khan revealed that WWE Legend Hulk Hogan was banned from all AEW televised or live events, during a fiery Twitter confrontation with his ex-wife in 2020.

The AEW President has always retained total control over his promotion, ever since he stripped the EVP’s like Cody Rhodes of their booking power, leading to The American Nightmare’s Return to WWE at Wrestlemania.

So far, nobody has been publicly banned from AEW before or since Hulk Hogan (and his wife) were given that honour.

While it is unknown about the rest of his family and where they stand with Khan, those two are the only ones currently known to be explicitly banned from the company.

Hulk Hogan’s AEW ban was revealed by Tony Khan in a reply to a racially charged Tweet by Hulk Hogan’s now-ex wife Linda McMahon.

The former “Hogan Knows Best” star Tweeted out during the riots after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, stating that “watching the looting, it’s all afro Americans. Not sure how robbing and stealing will set the record straight but if they want to be heard they need to be civilised”.

This clearly struck a nerve with Khan, who is mixed race (his father is Pakistani while his mother is a white American) and responded swiftly and aggressively.

He succinctly let Linda know that she was also banned from AEW alongside her husband, letting fans know for the first time that former WWE Champion Hulk Hogan was banned from attending any AEW events.

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