It Looks Like Hulk Hogan Is Scientology’s Newest Member

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan looks to be the latest celebrity caught up in the world of Scientology.

The 70-year-old former WWE Champion has long retired from the ring, with various injuries and surgeries leaving him walking with a cane and in incredible pain every day.

While he has turned to his own brand of CBD Oils to ease his pain, although it looks like he has found his own version of religion too, by joining the “celebrity religion” in recent months – despite the bad press scientology brings.

Hulk Hogan was spotted at a football game with some famous Scientologists.

Hulk Hogan’s fiancée Sky Daily is a well-known second-generation Scientologist, and it rumored to have recruited The Hulkster into the group during their whirlwind relationship.

Her parents (Cindy and Kirk Daily) have been with the church for years, and live at the churches Clearwater facility in Florida.

They are also said to hold the highest rank in Scientology, operation at Operating Thetan Level 8 (OT8).

Former Scientlogist Aaron Smith-Levin spoke on Twitter about Hulk Hogan joining Scientology, noting how the former WCW Champion being spotted with Tom Cruiser at a football game was “Another terrible sign”.

“Tom Cruise and Hulk Hogan are together at the Cowboys-Bucs game right now. Another terrible sign,”

He also Tweeted (X’d?) in March 2023 about Hogan’s engagement to Daily, nothing that the press covering the story had completely ignored her association with the Church of Scientology.

Smith-Levin claimed that Hogan could be the biggest new recruit into the church since Tom Cruise, and could signal a change of fortune for the controversial religion.

“The press hasn’t noticed that Hulk Hogan’s new gf is a Scientologist. Sky Daily (45) is a well-known 2nd gen Scientologist. Her parents Cindy & Kirk are both OT 8 and live in Clearwater. Will the Hulkster be Scientology’s biggest recruit since Tom Cruise?? Let’s hope not BROTHER!”

Hulk Hogan himself has not commented on the possibility of him joining the religion. He has been a devout Christian all his life, having been raised in the religion since a young child.

Hogan spoke a few years ago about how he accepted Jesus Christ as his one and only savior, so it would be a shock to see him accept Tom Cruise and Xenu as the new answers to all the questions in the Universe.

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