Jack Perry & Anna Jay Would Be Perfect Hollywood Heel Team

Jungle Boy turned heel at Forbidden Door, giving birth to the Jack Perry character that is taking AEW by storm.

This change is personality has been a godsend for Perry, who was starting to be booed by the fans for his perceived bland and boring personality.

He was booed out of the building on AEW Rampage prior to his match with SANADA at Forbidden Door, prompting him to turn to the dark side.

He attacked his friend and FTW Champion Hook at the event, turning his back on him and the fans for the first time in his career.

In doing so, he embraced being a bad guy, taking inspiration from former partner Christian Cage in being the most despicable heel in the company.

While his feud with Hook has been great, teaming up Jack Perry and Anna Jay would be the perfect continuation of his character, and create the “Hollywood” Jack Perry gimmick fans are clamoring for.

Jack Perry & Anna Jay

Jack Perry and Anna Jay are currently dating, and are one of the many wrestling-couples in AEW.

When they revealed their relationship in June 2021, Perry and Jay joined the likes of Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo, and Adam Cole & Britt Baker, as AEW wrestlers who are also couples.

In a Twitter post, Perry posted a photo of him kissing Anna Jay in the parking lot outside an arena AEW were running.

This confirmed their relationship, although it is not one that has been mentioned in a storyline in AEW.

The two stars have been kept separate, with Jack Perry running solo while Anna Jay turned heel as part of the Jericho Appreciation Society.

With them both bad guys in AEW, it looks like the perfect time to form the “Hollywood Couple” of Jack Perry and Anna Jay.

This duo could play off the fact that Jungle Boy is the son of the late-Luke Perry.

Luke Perry was a Hollywood actor, who appeared in 90210 as his most famous role. His last film role was in Quentin Taratino’s “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood”, which released after his death at age 52.

He was also a huge wrestling fan, appearing on-screen at Summerslam 2009, with Jack Perry.

Perry could play on his dad’s Hollywood connections by taking inspiration from The Rock’s Hollywood gimmick from 2003.

Hollywood Rock is considered one of the greatest gimmicks of all time. Perry could take this arrogant, self-centered character and tweak it to make it his own, with his own “Hollywood Starlet” in tow.

As his valet, Anna Jay would be given more of a spotlight. Currently, she is one 7 (8 when Tay Melo returns) in the Jericho Appreciation Society, sharing the spotlight with the likes of Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara.

Teaming the pair up could be the shot in the arm they both need. Jack Perry has improved on the microphone in recent weeks, and his antics (which include shielding behind a small child in the crowd) have made him one of the most loathed men on the roster, but he still could be better.

Anna Jay could be his Julia Hart, transforming his gimmick and giving him more of a purpose to his character.

“Hollywood” Jack Perry has unlimited potential in AEW, and could make he and Anna Jay two of the biggest stars the company has ever seen.

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