Kane’s Worst Match In WWE Almost Ruined Everyone’s Legacy

Kane is one of the most iconic names in wrestling history, but even he has had some duds in his time.

For every clash with The Undertaker, Triple H or Daniel Bryan, he’s fought barely-functional heavyweights likes Big Daddy V, or Nathan Jones.

Due to his incredible level of skill and safety in the ring, Kane has always been entrusted with nurturing the less-capable members of the roster.

However, Kane’s worst match ever came alongside three of the best wrestlers to ever live.

What Is Kane’s Worst Match In WWE?

The Kane & Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels & Triple H match from Crown Jewel 2018 is the worst match of Kane’s WWE career.

It’s better for the sanity of wrestling fans that we simply ignore this match. Pretend it doesn’t exist and go about your day. Because it ruined the greatest retirement of all time after the best retirement match in WWE history.

But, money talks, and millions and million of Saudi blood bucks later Shawn Michaels was lacing up his boots and shining his now hairless dome to step foot in a WWE ring for the first time in eight years.

He teamed with Triple H, reuniting the legendary team of D-Generation X, facing, at the behest of the Saudi Government, Undertaker and Kane.

It was a match that did not need to happen. Each man was at least 10 years past their prime. All were pushing retirement and were soon going to be collecting their bus passes.

Kane was already Mayor of Knox County, The Undertaker was on his way out, Triple H had stopped his yearly Wrestlemania bout and Shawn Michaels was happily enjoying retirement.

The match was not good. Triple H suffered an injury early on, meaning the long retired HBK had to carry the match for his team.

The match felt long, partially due to the 9 and half minute long entrances and partially because it was really, really long.

At one point, Kane’s mask even fell off, which was just the most hilarious in a comedy of errors in this match.

After 27 excruciating minutes,Triple H hit Kane with a pedigree and pinned him for the victory.

All four men in the match expressed regret about the fight, wishing that they had never done it. Their bank accounts disagreed, though, and in WWE that is literally all that mattered.

However, as bad as that match was, he had another that came close to taking away the crown of Kane’s worst match ever.

Kane vs The Great Khali

At Summerslam 2009, he did battle with The Great Khali – a true battle between giants. Sadly, one of these giants had no knees, barely spoke English and lacked any wrestling ability whatsoever (hint: not Kane).

Khali was struggling a lot in this match. He could barely walk around the ring, looking like a late-Andre The Giant performance more than anything else.

This was just two years after he completely dominated John Cena, becoming one of the most terrifying forces ever seen.

Kane won the match with his famous finishing move, the DDT (Khali could not physically jump to take the Chokeslam, while his size meant that the Tombstone Piledriver was off the table), in a match that went too long at only 6 minutes.

This rematch from WrestleMania 23 is clearly Kane’s second-worst match. It was voted at a 0.95 out of 10 by users on Cagematch, making it one of the worst matches in WWE history.

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