Nude photos of Matt Riddle somehow leaked on the internet, although his response to this showed exactly the kind of person he is.
The former tag team champion recently returned to the WWE, ready for a new chapter after some tough years in the company.
Matt Riddle had his nudes leaked, and spent some time in rehab for an unknown addiction. Having overcome that, he hopes to have a long and storied career in the WWE going forward.
Matt Riddle Leaked Nudes
In late 2019, a number of wrestlers had their iClouds hacked. The hackers revealed a number of things, most notably leaked nude photos that had been kept on the cloud server.
This had happened to many wrestlers in the years prior. The most notable was WWE’s Paige (now Saraya in AEW), who had various videos involving herself, Xavier Woods and Brad Maddox cruely released by hackers.
Matt Riddle, along with FTR’s Cash Wheeler, were also affected by the hacks in 2019.
Nude photos of both were released (although Wheeler claimed they were not of him), which caused great embarrassment throughout the wrestling world.
Some fans sought out the photos, much to the annoyance of Matt Riddle. He did not want his nudes leaked, although he took the experience with the same laid-back sense of humour that he always did.
After his nudes leaked in 2019, Matt Riddle took to social media to talk to his fans about them.
While some wrestlers would have given a lengthy, carefully curated statement about their privacy being violated, Matt Riddle took a different approach.
In a now deleted Tweet, he simply posted a photo of himself, with the caption, “Stop Looking For My Dick”.
You can view the photo, reposted by a fan, down below.
Matt Riddle bounced back from the hack to become one of the most popular men in the WWE.
His tag team with Randy Orton became one of the hottest acts in the company. RK-Bro won the Tag Team titles in the WWE, and would likely be together still if not for Randy Orton’s serious injury.
You can read more about what happened to RK-Bro by clicking the link below.