Mick Foley On Randy Orton’s Thumback Bump At Backlash 2004

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley joined Conrad Thompson on his podcast Foley is Pod to talk about his legendary match with Randy Orton at Backlash 2004.

Foley shared a story about the match, about how Randy Orton was surprised about the pain he was in after taking an RKO onto a pile of metal thumb tacks.

The former WWE Champion noted that, while Orton had brilliant selling and facials in WWE, he could not fake the shock that came with 100s on thumb tacks being launched into his back.

“Instead of being the guy who had a worse conversion rate with thumb tacks than Wile Coyote with ACME products, I was always destined to end up in the tacks that I brought into the ring.

Randy ends up taking the RKO into the tacks. I said, ‘Randy, you have very good wrestling theatrics, but you can’t fake the shock’ that he was in. His eyes were wide open.

I bring him up the ramp, and I throw him off the ramp, giving me time to rest up, as that camera goes over and over. Mike Chioda goes to check on Randy, and all Randy can say is, ‘Chioda – the tacks were a bad idea!'”

Randy Orton is currently out injured, and could be forced to retire after he had some bad news from the WWE doctors.

You can read more about what happened to Randy Orton down below.

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