Results of Chris Jericho & The Golden Lovers vs The Don Callis Family

Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay started the match, and had some brilliant grappling and counters to get the fans excited, after the incredible Bryan Danielson match immediately before this.

Chris Jericho then tagged in to face Sammy Guevara, after Guevara taunted Jericho with a pair of middle fingers aimed squarely at The Ocho. The pair fought for a bit until Ospreay tagged in, before all six men got into the ring for a “hockey fight” brawl.

The story of the match saw the various feuds building into this match come to a head. Jericho face doff with Guevara, Omega grappled in the ring with Ospreay, while Kota Ibushi aimed his aggression toward Konsouke Takeshita. The one thread linking them all together was Don Callis, who received the biggest boos of the entire night.

Jericho and Ibushi got into the ring to beat up Guevara, to one of the biggest pops of the night. A newly-face Jericho happily threw his former partner around, before he posed with Ibushi in the ring as a team named by Excalibur as “The Golden Sex Gods”. The Golden Lovers then got into the ring for some of their classic tag team offense. Sammy Guevera then kicked out of a Lionsault.

The rest of the match was just a mess, but in the best way possible. You didn’t know who was the legal man or not, but you didn’t care. Unlike the tag team match earlier in the night, they made you care about every single man in the match, and all the insane high spots (like a dive into a code breaker, or shooting star press to the outside) made complete sense in the story of the match.

“Murder Ibushi” even appeared late in the match, taking out Ospreay and Guevara with just one punch each. This lead into a strike-off with Konosuke Takeshita, something Takeshita had waited 11-years to finally have. They then proceeded to have even more insane spots involving everybody in the match, at a breakneck speed.

After some of the most incredible action you’ll see this year, Don Callis cheated to help his team win. He hit Chris Jericho with Chris Jericho’s bat, “Floyd”, to help Sammy Guevara pin Chris Jericho to pick up a huge victory for The Don Callis Family.

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