Shawn Michaels On Advice Dynamite Kid Gave Him Before Leaving WWE

Shawn Michaels has revealed the advice that the late-Dynamite Kid gave him when the pair crossed paths in the WWE.

Dynamite Kid is an English wrestling legend, and one of the most influential wrestlers of all time.

His matches against Tiger Mask in Japan wrote the blueprint for the modern Junior-Heavyweight match, and his influence is felt even in 2023.

Dynamite Kid’s matches with Tiger Mask revolutionized Japanese wrestling.

Dynamite Kid passed away in 2018, but that hasn’t stopped wrestlers from telling stories about the Lancashire-born legend.

Shawn Michaels was asked about any stories about the controversial Dynamite Kid during an interview with Peter Rosenberg.

The Heart Break Kid revealed that he didn’t have many run ins with the British legend, but that Dynamite Kid gave a young Shawn Michaels some advice when they first came into the WWE.

“I have to be honest, I mean, I don’t have any, uh, any real stories. We came in right when he was on the way out, yeah yeah, and I gotta say, I gotta be honest. I mean, for us, Dynamite was nothing other than, uh, a guy that was really honest with us, you know?”

“I mean, and the only story I have with him is, you know, one of the things he said to us, probably maybe about a month after we got in. He came up to us and he said, ‘Hey, you know, he’s gonna talk to you guys,’ you know? And he was obviously cursing, like, ‘I don’t get, I don’t, I don’t give a whatever it is you guys do, you know?”

“I don’t care, it’s not my business,’ he said. But he said, ‘You guys don’t go up and say hi,’ you know? ‘You don’t go up and do the proverbial handshake with everybody when you come into the locker room and say hello.'”

“Anyway, everybody thinks you’re, you know, a d-bag, yeah, you know? And it’s like, we weren’t doing that at that point, you weren’t sure, no. Because everybody, we knew everybody hated, we were petrified.”

“Everybody, that’s one of the things. Like Mart Jannetty, you know, I think Marty’s comfortable saying now, but I mean, we were, we just, we were, you know, we knew everybody didn’t want us there. So we just sat in the corner and didn’t say anything.”

“You know, again, it’s like the shy kid, you’d either take the shy kid as well, he’s a shy kid, or doesn’t he, isn’t he stuck up? You know what I mean? We were just petrified of everybody, and we didn’t want to say, I mean, we felt like two kids amongst this locker room of men that didn’t like us.

“We weren’t going anywhere. We came in, we sat in the corner, we did our thing, and we left. And he came and told us that, dude, that’s not working. Everybody thinks that you just think you’re, yes, you said d-bags, and it’s like, that’s not it. We just, dude, we’re, like, we’re petrified of everybody.”

“They don’t like us because he goes, that doesn’t matter. He said, you’ve got to go to everybody and do that. He said, it’s bs, it’s crap, he said, but you’ve got to do that.”

If you use any quotes from this article, please give a H/T to Atletifo for the transcription.

Shawn Michaels never wrestled against Dynamite Kid one-on-one, nor did we ever get to see The British Bulldogs take on The Rockers.

The only time they shared the ring was at Survivor Series 1988, during the Survivor Series Ten Team Elimination match.

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