Stacy Keibler Is Worst Hall Of Famer Ever, Says Dutch Mantell

Wrestling legend Dutch Mantell has taken umbrage with Stacy Keibler being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, stating that she is undeserving to go in.

Keibler was part of the 2023 class of Hall of Fame inductees, alongside Rey Mysterio, The Great Muta, Andy Kaufman and Tim White.

Working in WWE and WCW, Keibler was most prominently known as a valet, or manager, although she did step into the ring from time to time.

Her last match took place in 2004, after which she promptly left the wrestling business and moved into the world of show business, including briefly dating George Clooney.

Stacy Keibler in WWE Hall of Fame

Her induction into the WWE Hall of Fame drew ire from certain parts of the fanbases, and some former wrestlers.

Former WWE star Dutch Mantell, who worked as Zeb Coulter in his latest run with the company, was asked about his opinion about Stacy Keibler going into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2023.

He did not let up, saying she “sucks” and that they could find anybody in a bar to do what she did – and that she was undeserving of her Hall of Fame induction.

Speaking on “Story Time with Dutch Mantell”, the wrestling legend said;

“She got there because she’s a good-looking girl, she’s a cheerleader, I guess from somewhere, and they put her out there, and she has a nice face, a nice body.

Her wrestling sucks, her promos suck, and that’s giving them the benefit of the doubt.

And I’m saying, like you could walk into any bar in any city in the United States any night of the week and find a guy who can do hardcore the same way.

With this, you could walk into any college and you could find a girl looking as well as Stacy Keibler or as good as Stacy Keibler, and probably can’t do a promo either and can’t wrestle, and she could be in the Hall of Fame too if she just had the same, you know, push that Stacy Keibler had. I don’t know why she’s in there other than people kind of know her.”

If you use any part of this article please be sure to credit Story Time with Dutch Mantell, with a HT to Atletifo for the transcription.

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