Throwback To Trent Beretta’s Classic WWE Debut

Trent Beretta almost earned his side a tag team title shot in a battle royal on AEW Dynamite, just falling short alongside his partner Chuck Taylor.

The former IWGP Junior Tag Team Champion has been a constant presence in AEW since it’s inception, being one of the first wrestlers signed to the roster.

However, before he was in AEW, Trent Beretta was signed to the WWE. He was hopeful to become a WWE superstar back in the day, although he never had a good relationship with Vince McMahon during his time there.

In this article, we’ll look at Trent’s debut in the WWE and how his time wrestling in the WWE went for the Best Friend.

Trent Beretta’s WWE Debut

Trent Beretta’s first match in WWE was on the 29th November, 2009 episode of ECW. He teamed with his teammate Caylen Croft in a match against Bobby Fields & Tyler Hilton.

They teamed together under the name The Dudebusters, which was the name Trent and Croft used when they wrestled together in developmental. They were tag team champions in FCW and had hoped to make a big splash on the main roster.

Trent Beretta won his debut match in WWE, when he and Caylen Croft defeated Fields and Hilton. The match lasted less than three minutes and was a squash match to help introduce The Dudebusters to the ECW audience.

The pair would wrestle together for years, but found little success. They were both eventually released and never achieved anything of note in the WWE.

Did Trent Wrestle In The WWE?

AEW’s Trent Beretta wrestled in the WWE for many years before finally teaming up with Chuck Taylor. He signed for the company in January 2008 on a developmental deal, originally joining under the name Greg Cardona (although he has no relation to Matt Cardona).

He joined up with Florida Championship Wrestling, where his name was changed to Greg Jackson before finally settling on Trent Beretta. He quickly formed a tag team with Caylen Croft, which became known as The Dudebuster.

The pair became two time FCW Tag Team Champions before they were called up to the WWE main roster. Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft were drafted to ECW in 2009, being called up together as The Dudebusters to wrestling in their fledgling tag team division.

The pair were very unsuccessful in their run on ECW and when they were drafted to Smackdown. They were a jobber team throughout their run and never won any gold in the WWE. Trent Beretta was demoted from WWE to NXT in 2013 and promptly released from the company.

He soon went on to team with Rocky Romero as Rappongi Vice and Chuck Taylor as Best Friends.

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