Tyler Breeze Is Open To Joining AEW (Or WWE Return)

Former WWE star Tyler Breeze has refused to rule out signing for AEW, as well as a potential return to WWE.

Breeze was released by the WWE in 2021, and seemed to have retired from wrestling following his firing.

However, he recently returned to the ring to face off with his friend Shawn Spears, as well as winning a championship in one of his first matches back.

He has not cropped up in WWE or AEW since his return, which has led fans to speculate where “Prince Pretty’s” future could lie in pro-wrestling.

Speaking on A2D Radio, Tyler Breeze revealed that signing for AEW is “possible”, but also doesn’t rule out a return to the WWE.

However, he poured water on the rumors, stating that he isn’t “actively seeking” out to sign for the two companies, and is simply enjoying his time as a part-time wrestler at home.

“I think it’s possible. I wouldn’t say that I’m retired or opposed to any of that.” Tyler Breeze revealed, “Obviously, I’m still young and can do all the stuff that I did before.”

“If the right moment and right opportunity popped up, and I talked to the right people, cool, why not.”

“I’m not actively seeking. I like everything going on right now and I’m very happy with everything going on. If something popped up that could add to that happiness, fantastic. I’m open to whatever.”

Tyler Breeze has recently appeared back on UpUpDownDown, alongside friend Xavier Woods.

However, WWE have not re-signed him as a wrestler, indicating their lack of interest in the star.

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