Cesaro’s last match was an embarrassing end to a 10 year run in WWE

After Cesaro was released by WWE on February 24 2022, fans were left lamenting what could have been for the Swiss Cyborg in WWE.

Cesaro let his WWE contract expire and left the company earlier this year, disappointed by what turned out to be a ten-year run in WWE that left a lot to be desired.

On the run up to Wrestlemania 30, Cesaro was one of the hottest wrestlers in WWE, and fans were begging WWE to let them get behind him.

He was cheered by fans as part of the heel tag team The Real Americans, with Jack Swgger, and had a star making performance on the run up to, and in, Elimination Chamber 2014.

However, WWE paired him with Paul Heyman after he won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, which was the end of his push.

He was used to just keep Heyman on TV, to remind fans that Brock Lesnar ended the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania (yes he said that every time).

After that, WWE refused to push Cesaro as a singles star. Vince McMahon even admitted that the reason was because he didn’t connect with fans because “He’s Swiss“.

Cesaro was even voted Most Underrated Wrestler in the world, for a record four years in a row (2013–2016) by the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

This was based on how he was treated by the WWE, where despite being one of the most popular stars on the roster he was never treated as such.

He was stuck in multiple tag teams after that, including with Tyson Kidd and Sheamus, but never found singles success.

Aside from a solitary United States Championship run in 2012, Cesaro was undervalued as a singles wrestler in WWE.

Cesaro’s last match in WWE just exemplified how little WWE saw faith in him as a star.

Cesaro’s Last Match

Cesaro’s last match in WWE was against Happy Corbin on the February 11 2022 episode of Friday Night Smackdown.

In an unremarkable match with very few spots of note, Corbin defeated Cesaro with an End of Days and pinned him for the victory.

Cesaro had been teaming with Ricochet for the weeks prior, seemingly engaged in a feud with Sheamus and Ridge Holland.

However, his last match was a singles match against Baron Corbin, 13 days before his contract expired and he was released from the WWE

After leaving the WWE, Cesaro signed a deal with All Elite Wrestling. He made his debut at Forbidden Door 2022, replacing Bryan Danielson in his match against Zack Sabre Jr.

The Swiss grappler reverted to the name he previous used on the indies, becoming known as Claudio Castagnoli again.

He also joined NJPW and ROH, winning the Ring of Honor Championship twice – once from Jonathan Gresham and once from Chris Jericho.

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