Logan Paul’s Best Matches In The WWE, Revealed

Logan Paul has been one of the biggest shocks in WWE since his debut.

The Youtube star debuted in the WWE at WrestleMania 38, shocking the world with an incredible performance in a tag team match in his first match.

He since went from strength-to-strength, improving every match at supersonic speed. Whilst he doesn’t wrestle full time for the WWE, and has more time to practice his matches, he still puts on some of the best matches in WWE when he does wrestle.

In this article, we’ll talk you through the best matches of Logan Paul’s WWE career. Let us know what you think about them, down in the comments, and tell us what your favourite Logan Paul match is.

Logan Paul’s Best Matches

Logan Paul vs The Miz – Summerslam 2022

logan paul wwe debut

While this was not Logan Paul’s best match, it was still one of the highlights of last year’s Summerslam event.

After The Miz turned on Logan Paul after their victory together at WrestleMania 38, the pair faced off against one another in a huge match at Summerslam 2022.

This was Logan Paul’s first singles match in his career, and he pulled out all the stops to get the win over his opponent in the WWE.

He used an assortment of finishers throughout the bout to secure the win. He utilized a figure-four leg lock, a Phenomenal Forearm and even did an Eddie Guerrero-style frog splash off the top rope through the announce table on the outside of the ring.

Logan Paul hit The Miz with own Skull Crushing Finale to pick up the victory in his first singles match, getting his first win in the WWE.

2023 Money in the Bank Ladder Match

While not the best Money in the Bank match, Logan Paul did have the best highlight from the match (albeit slightly botched).

The social media influencer continued his feud with Ricochet in the match, with the pair attacking each other throughout.

This culminated in Ricochet grabbing Logan Paul, bouncing off the ropes and hitting him with a Spanish Fly onto the outside, through two tables.

Logan Paul hit his head off one of the tables in the fall, and that saw the end of his participation in the match.

Logan Paul & The Miz vs Rey & Dominik Mysterio – WrestleMania 38

Logan Paul’s debut match in WWE was one of the best debut’s ever seen in the company.

The Youtube star turned his sights to pro-wrestling the year prior, when he sat at ringside for a match between Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. He was hit by a stunner after that bout, which gave him the wrestling bug and started his journey to WrestleMania 38.

At the 2022 event, he teamed with The Miz to take on the father/son duo of Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio in one of many celebrity matches on the show.

The other two celebs on the card (Johnny Knoxville & Pat McAfee) put on fantastic performances, but Logan Paul managed to match their performance with a fantastic effort in the bout.

This was one of the best matches in Logan Paul’s career, even if his role was slightly limited due to the tag team nature of the bout. How showed experience beyond his years and didn’t look out of place amid some legends of the ring.

2023 Royal Rumble Match

Logan Paul made his surprise return to the WWE at the 2023 Royal Rumble. He appeared as a shock entrant in the titular match type, entering at number 29 to the surprise of the crowd.

The Ohio-native had been out for months, after an injury suffered during his match against Roman Reigns at Crown Jewel 2022. He immediately impressed in the match, showing no signs of ring rust and looking right at home in only his fourth match ever.

He eliminated Seth Rollins during the match, building up to their match at WrestleMania 39. However, that was not his biggest impact on the match.

Toward the end of the 2023 Royal Rumble match, he clashed with high-flying superstar Ricochet. The pair both did a springboard from the top rope, leaping through the air and clashing in mid-air.

The impact looked painful, and it was one of the best spots of all time in the Royal Rumble match.

Logan Paul vs Seth Rollins – WrestleMania 39

Logan Paul put on a fantastic performance at WrestleMania 39, wrestling against one of WWE’s top wrestlers in the WWE.

His bout with Seth Rollins was one of the best of his career, coming incredibly close to becoming Logan Paul’s best match in the WWE.

The match saw Seth Rollins pick up the win, but not before the appearance of KSI in a giant Prime costume, before Paul accidently landed an elbow onto him through the announce table.

Logan Paul vs Roman Reigns – Crown Jewel 2022

While it was an unexpected match to book, Logan Paul vs Roman Reigns blew all expectations out of the water in their match at Crown Jewel 2022.

Roman Reigns put his Undisputed WWE Universal Championship on the line against the Youtuber in a huge match in Saudi Arabia. While it seemed strange at the time, the match will go down as one of Saudi’s finest.

Even with interference from his brother Jake Paul, Logan still fell to the Superman Punch and spear combo of Roman Reigns.

Despite this, Logan Paul still put on his best match yet. He sold well and hit some innovative offence, making fans believe that he could actually defeat Reigns and become the WWE Champion.

The highlight of the match was when Logan Paul grabbed his phone from his fans in the crowd, and livestreamed him hitting a top-rope elbow drop onto Roman Reigns, who lay on the announce table outside of the ring.

This, and many other incredible spots, made this Logan Paul’s best match of his career and one of the best WWE matches in 2022.

What do you think is Logan Paul’s best match? Let us know what you think in the comments section down below, or click the link to read about the ill-fated Vince McMahon’s son angle.

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