Bobby Lashley vs Bray Wyatt CANCELLED At WrestleMania?

It looks like WWE have cancelled the planned Bobby Lashley vs Bray Wyatt match at WrestleMania 39.

This would have been Wyatt’s first match since he defeated LA Knight at the Royal Rumble, in the much derided Mountain Dew Pitch Black match.

It would also have been his second match since returning to the WWE in October last year, in what has been quite a disappointing second run in the company.

During the very successful WWE house show in Denver, less than a week before WrestleMania 39, Bobby Lashley appeared on a special edition of Miz TV.

He cut a promo to the live crowd, complaining how he didn’t have a match for WrestleMania this week. The show will take place on April 1st and April 2nd, leaving plenty of time in the event for an impromptu Bobby Lashley match if needed.

There have been many rumours about why Bray Wyatt will miss the match at WrestleMania 39. It has been theorised that he has a serious injury, or else if possibly suffering from a mental health condition.

Bobby Lashley vs Bray Wyatt was not one of the most anticipated matches, with fans still upset at the poor match at the Royal Rumble featuring Wyatt. The build for this match has also been lacklustre, not inspiring confidence in Triple H’s booking.

However, there have been some good suggestions for replacements in the match. A good replacement from Bray Wyatt could be LA Knight, the man he wrestled in the infamous Mountain Dew Pitch Black match.

LA Knight is one of the most popular men on the roster, with his incredibly entertaining promos keeping the crowd invested in every word he says.

Even though he is a heel, fans have take LA Knight into their hearts. He is a fantastic heel and great at getting heat, making him a perfect foil to Bobby Lashley at WrestleMania 39.

Would you rather see Bray Wyatt vs Bobby Lashley at WrestleMania, or see Lashley instead take on LA Knight in an impromptu bout? Tell us your view in the comments section down below.

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