Alex Riley Says Team With The Miz Was “A Huge Opportunity”

Alex Riley has spoken about his time in the WWE as The Miz’s sidekick, declaring the chance to help him win the WWE Championship “A Huge Opportunity”.

During his interview with PW Mania, the former WWE Superstar spoke about how he didn’t know what to expect when he was made The Miz’s protegee but made sure to make the most of his opportunity.

He helped the Miz to cash in his Money in the Bank contract to become WWE Champion, but began to feud with the star once he dropped the title to John Cena.

After feuding with The Miz, he had his legs cut out from under him by John Cena, who took an instant dislike to the young star.

Riley was soon relegated to the NXT commentary team and was released by the WWE in 2014 with bags of unfulfilled potential.

Speaking with PWMania about teaming up with The Miz, Alex Riley said;

“I didn’t know if I was going to be that good. I just tried to take it one day at a time, and as cuts came and I was still there, they gave me an opportunity with The Miz… It was a huge opportunity to be put with a guy who was that talented.

“We played off each other very well, and I even got a spot on WrestleMania because of it. When I was put on NXT, I thought I was doing pretty well. We just got paired up naturally and it was great. He’s a really good guy, has a good heart, and was always good to me.”

Alex Riley recently made his comeback to wrestling, having not wrestled since his release from WWE.

He wrestled under his real name of Kevin Kiley and was not dressed to wrestle at all. He wore street clothes in the ring, as if he had been plucked out of the crowd and not booked to wrestle weeks in advance.

Alex Riley faced EC3 at NWA Nuff Said, losing to the former TNA star in a disappointing match. His age and ring rush were evident, with him trying out moves that he could have hit a decade ago, but not now.

The most embarrassing part was him attempting a suicide dive over the corner onto ECW. He clipped the rope and went tumbling onto the floor, with his very unprofessional ring attire doing Alex Riley zero favours.

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