Chris Jericho Hates Marvel Movies – Calls Ant-Man A “Jobber”

Chris Jericho has revealed that he doesn’t like Marvel movies, even calling Ant-Man a “jobber”.

The former AEW Champion has had his hand in many pies in recent years, and is adding a comic book and potential film to his canon of wrestling, music and books.

Chris Jericho talked about the Marvel movies during an interview with The Critical Drinker.

He talked about a wide variety of topics, including his early career, his upcoming Painmaker comic and much more, but was prompted to talk about Marvel movies when asked about storytelling in wrestling.

Jericho was asked about how important storytelling is in wrestling, which prompted him to talk about how Marvel movies compare to the world of pro-wrestling.

I very much agree. Like, if you’re not invested in it, it’s the same with movies. It’s like the same principle. You can have the most amazing action ever on screen, but if you’re not emotionally invested in the characters doing it, it doesn’t really matter. It’s just color on the screen for you.

I’m not a fan of Marvel movies. I find them all the same. This is it: a bunch of guys with superpowers that are threatened by an alien invasion, and then they shut down the aliens and win with great effects of explosions and bombs. I don’t like any of it because there’s really no substance for me. And then that’s that. I understand Marvel movies make billions of dollars, but to me, it’s all about the characters.

A Game of Thrones is not about dragons; it’s about families fighting with each other. The Walking Dead is not about zombies; it’s about how society would rebuild if everything was taken away. That’s the crux of those shows. So, I like that element.

Ozark is not about money laundering; it’s about how a family turns from good to bad and still stays together as a family. I just love that element of storytelling.

He then went on to talk about his own comic book creation, known as The Painmaker. This is Chris Jericho’s alter ego, which he brings out for particular matches (usually hardcore matches) during a particularly heated feud.

Chris Jericho’s Painmaker gimmick originated in Japan.

He talked more about the Marvel movies, calling Ant-Man a “jobber”, and declaring that the movies will run out because they’re not creating any new superhero characters.

This was why he created his new Painmaker comic, which depicts a version of the gimmick he uses in the ring. He called him an “intergalactic serial killer”, hinting at a darker nature to his creation.

How many more superhero movies are we gonna see of Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman? We’ve seen 20 origin stories of all, and now they’re doing Ant-Man and Wasp Woman.

Like, I was into comic books in the late 70s and early 80s, and Ant-Man was considered a low-level character. Yet, they’re making movies on this guy. Sooner or later, someone’s gonna have to create a different character, a different superhero.

That’s why I thought, with the Painmaker, if we start with the NFTs and the graphic novels and create a backstory where he’s an Intergalactic serial killer that reforms himself but still has a deep desire to kill innocent people, we can explore a fantastic world where he’s scouring the Galaxy for other serial killers to battle and kill them.

Now, I’ve got something I can play with. Sooner or later, I’ll do it, dude. I’ll create a Paymaker movie and at least give you an option of something other than the same ones you see over and over again, with a compelling story and a whole new world to dive into. Sign me up, man!

Honestly, when it comes to movies like this, I would rather go down a darker and edgier path, doing something really interesting. If that’s the better option, I’d love to see it.

You can watch the full interview with Chris Jericho down below. If you sue any quotes from this article, please credit Critical Drinker, with a h/t to Atletifo for the transcription.

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