CM Punk Pooped His Pants Live During WWE Match

CM Punk has spoken about when he pooped his pants in the ring for the WWE, in one of the most disgusting stories in wrestling.

On his podcast appearance on Colt Cabana‘s “Art of Wrestling“, CM Punk spoke all about his departure from WWE.

He also told some stories about his struggles in the company, including injuries and illnesses he suffered at the time.

One of these times was when he had a staph infection, and was prescribed a series of antibiotics (known as “z-paks”) to help to cure it.

However, these caused him to have a bad stomach, which caused CM Punk to poop his pants live during a match on Smackdown.

“The whole European tour, I’m dry-heaving after every match. I mean, luckily, I was in tags.

It was me and Daniel Bryan against the Wyatts, and they’re awesome, and they were fun, the parts I remember. But I’m on all fours after every match, and I’m either puking for real or I’m just dry heaving because I don’t have anything in my stomach.

I have no appetite, I don’t know what is up and what is down. I can’t sleep, I can’t [ __ ] train. It’s just like a bus, a hotel, a cold building miserable exists.

Doc is giving the docs like, ‘Oh, you’re sick, here’s a z-pack.’ They z-pak me to death so much that in December, I [ __ ] my pants on a Smackdown because that’s what antibiotics do to you.”

CM Punk Pooped His Pants

It’s true. During a match on Smackdown in 2013, CM Punk lost control of his bowels and pooed himself.

He was wearing his classic wrestling gear at the time. Kickpads, elbow pads and short tights, which doesn’t leave many places for the poop to go.

The match was discovered to be a bout against Dean Ambrose, on the December 6th, 2013 episode of Friday Night Smackdown.

The show would have been taped three days prior, on Tuesday 3rd December, although that fact doesn’t make it any better.

It is unclear exactly at what part of the match CM Punk pooped himself.

However, Punk revealed that he did so due to the antibiotics he was taking gave him a bad stomach, and it simply slipped out whilst he was wrestling.

In the video below, you can see the referee picking up a piece of turd and removing it from the ring, as CM Punk and Dean Ambrose grapple on the floor.

CM Punk left the WWE in 2014, walking out on the company and leaving wrestling for good, following the 2014 Royal Rumble match.

He finally returned to wrestling in 2021, signing for AEW as the biggest star in the company.

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