CM Punk Saved Indie Wrestler From Commiting Suicide

The Monster Factory released a new clip from their Apple TV+ series featuring a look at how CM Punk’s Pipebomb promo saved the life of Lucas “Twitch” DiSangro.

The series features a clip where Lucas DiSangro talks about CM Punk’s Pipebomb promo helped him to change his mind, after suffering from some suicidal thoughts.

He said that he saw Punk speaking his mind and making a change, instead of quitting when times got tough. He took inspiration from this, and used it to work on himself.

Lucas DiSangro credited CM Punk as saving him from suicide and inspiring him to become a professional wrestler.

In the documentary, Disangro (who goes by the nickname “Twitch”) said:

“CM Punk was a guy that was just fed up with how he was being treated. And instead of just quitting, he spoke his mind. And he did it while being unapologetically him… and at that point I know that if I had the chance I was gonna try and be a professional wrestler.”

You can watch the clip released from Monster Factory down below.

What Is CM Punk’s Pipebomb?

The Pipebomb is a name given to CM Punk’s “shoot” promo he cut on a June 2011 episode of Monday Night Raw.

In the run up to Money in the Bank 2011, CM Punk had simply had enough. He knew he would never be pushed to the level of John Cena, among many other gripes he had with WWE management.

He had all intention to leave the WWE when his contract ended (the day before Money in the Bank 2011), after putting over John Cena in their WWE Championship match.

However, weeks prior, Vince McMahon gave him a live microphone to air his grievances on Monday Night Raw, handing him an opportunity very few would be afforded.

What happened next was one of the most important moments in wrestling history. CM Punk cut his best promo ever, blurring the lines between real and Kayfabe in the most engaging way ever.

He tore down the WWE’s over pushing of John Cena, lamenting how he was passed over despite his incredible career so far. He referenced Colt Cabana (then in Ring of Honor), as well as Paul Heyman, who had not been in the WWE for 6 years at that point.

His promo broke the internet, and made CM Punk the biggest star he’d ever been. Mixing it in with the story of him leaving the company, he won the WWE Championship in his hometown at Money in the Bank, creating one of the greatest moments in WWE history.

This promo is CM Punk’s best because of the content, delivery and the impact it had on the professional wrestling business, as a whole.

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