Cody Rhodes Reveals The Best Match Ever In Wrestling

Cody Rhodes has revealed which wrestling match he thinks is the best match ever – and calls out anybody who disagrees with him.

Rhodes himself has put on many classic matches over the past few years. Matches with Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara and Seth Rollins earned him multiple five-star matches, among a host of other brilliant bouts.

Many have called his AEW bout against his brother Dustin Rhodes, in AEW’s first ever event in history, as one of the best matches ever (especially the best in AEW history).

However, a humble Cody Rhodes does not consider this family affair to be the best match of all time.

Instead, he views a classic match from WrestleMania as the best of all time, deriding anybody else who may disagree with his view on this match.

While Cody Rhodes has named the likes of Sting and Triple H as his favorite, Hulk Hogan has always cropped up as being his favorite wrestler of all time.

Cody Rhodes named Hulk Hogan vs The Rock from WrestleMania X8 as the best match of all time – something that many would agree with.

The bout has gone down in legend as an all-time classic – mainly due to the crowd participation in the match.

With a different crowd, the bout would have never been seen as anything special. However, the incredibly chants and cheers from the crowd made the arena feel electric.

In a Tweet from 2018, Cody Rhodes revealed that he thought Hulk Hogan vs The Rock was the best match of all time, and anyone who disagreed hasn’t “grasped what wrestling is yet”.

The best match ever is Hogan/Rock. When I ask my friends their all time favorite, if they say anything else…I can determine they haven’t grasped what wrestling is yet

It’s not a bad choice as the best match of all time, and he’s not wrong with his assertion that those who dislike it don’t know what wrestling is.

The bout was a masterclass is working to the crowd’s reaction and changing things on the fly to get them back on track.

As the match began, Hulk Hogan was the heel and The Rock was the face. But as soon as The Hulkster walked out to the ring, the Toronto crowd decided to buck the trent.

They cheered Hogan like it was Madison Square Garden in the 1980s and Hulkamania was alive and well.

The pair locked up in the ring, and when Hogan launched The Rock across the ring, the crowd erupted. They wanted to see their childhood hero, and would not let The Rock get in the way of it.

Eventually, the pair got the crowd back around. By the end of the match, they cheered The Rock kicking out of the leg drop, before pinning Hogan for the win.

The match was rated by Dave Meltzer as a three-star match, but it should have been a five-star match for both men.

At least, for Cody Rhodes, Atletifo and a host of Hulkamaniacs that night in Canada, it was a five star match.

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