Jeff Jarrett Reveals How NWO 2000 Could Have Succeeded In WCW

Jeff Jarrett’s NWO is one forgotten part of history, and the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion has spoken about how the group could have succeeded.

Jeff Jarrett has been a key figure in wrestling for close to four decades now. He wrestled in the territory days in Memphis, before becoming a big star in WWE and WCW.

After the fall of WCW and Vince McMahon famously sacking him live on Monday Night Raw and WCW Monday Nitro, he went on to form his own company – Total Nonstop Action.

He had his own reign of terror in TNA, with fans getting rather sick of being in Jarrett’s world. However, he has since become a fan-favourite again, putting on some incredible performances in his new role in AEW.

However, his main event run in World Championship Wrestling was probably the peak of Jeff Jarrett’s career. He won multiple world titles and became a main event star, alongside the likes of Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart.

He even helped reform the most popular faction in wrestling history. Jeff Jarrett’s NWO was a controversial, but entertaining, part of history, when he helped form the NWO 2000 in late 1999, alongside multiple other stars in WCW.

Jeff Jarrett on NWO

In late 1999, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett reformed the New World Order. Adopting the black and silver colour scheme, the newly named NWO 2000 was a rehash of the famous Hulk Hogan-led faction.

The group helped Bret Hart defeated Goldberg to become WCW Champion, and also helped Kevin Nash to become the commissioner of the company.

However, the group was marred by injuries. Nash was forced to withdraw due to a broken ankle, and their main rival, Goldberg, almost lost his arm due to a segment where he punched a limousine window clean through.

The group eventually fizzled out and did not have the impact of the original NWO.

Jeff Jarrett spoke to Insiders Edge, talking about his role in the NWO 2000. Speaking about the likes of Bret Hart and Scott Steiner, he revealed how injuries derailed the group and stopped them from succeeding.

The former WCW Champion also noted that it was hard to follow the original NWO, and that even though Jarrett and the group had huge star power, they simply did not match up to the original group.

you know the original group, whether it’s the Four Horsemen, whether it’s the NWO, whether it’s the Bullet Club, whether whatever faction it may be, the original group is always the best.

It is what comes out. So following the original group was tough, but having the upside to all of it and the players in it that you know, later Steiner, and you referenced him, I think there was a lot of potential injuries, didn’t work, or obviously the downfall in the short term for that crew

Jeff Jarrett left WCW when the company went under, with his contract not getting picked up by Vince McMahon and the WWE.

McMahon famously publicly fired him on Monday Night Raw, owing to Jarrett “holding up” the WWE for money owed to him, prior to his No Mercy 1999 loss to Chyna.

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