Jim Cornette Shoots On Brock Lesnar vs Omos: “It Didn’t Suck”

Wrestling Legend Jim Cornette has spoken about Brock Lesnar’s match with Omos, claiming that, while it didn’t suck, really didn’t need to happen at all.

Speaking on Jim Cornette’s Drive Through Episode 288, Jim Cornette reviewed the Brock Lesnar vs Omos match at WrestleMania, having mixed views on the opening match of night 2.

“It didn’t suck, and we feared it was going to. However, it was kept short, simple, and slow-paced, almost like a bait and switch. They built up this confrontation, but it turned out to be a letdown.

Even you and I, as experts, expected it to be disappointing. However, if it had gone even a minute or two longer, it would have been worse. The average fan was happy to be there.”

However, despite his mixed review, Jim Cornette theorised that Brock Lesnar looks to be staying in the WWE for an extended period, given Vince McMahon’s return to the company.

The former WWE Champion famously walked out of Smackdown when Vince McMahon announced his retirement from the WWE, so could be ready to sign a new deal now McMahon is at the helm again, over Triple H.

“It was interesting to see Brock Lesnar being manhandled and portrayed as the underdog. Although it was a great way for him to go out on a high note and still win, I personally would have liked to see more from him. Perhaps he’s not done yet, especially now that Vince McMahon is back and there’s been a big sale to his former company.

Brock has been the champion of both their divisions, so maybe he’s coming back. If that’s the case, he’ll move past this event. However, it would have been more satisfying to see Brock show vulnerability against someone who could potentially draw more money in the future.”

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