Kenny Omega Had The First 7-Star Match In History

While he is known for having the most 6-star matches in wrestling history, Kenny Omega also holds the record for being the only person to have a 7-star match (alongside his opponent).

While many still struggle to call him the greatest of all time, this measure puts him among the all-time greats.

Nobody else has put on as many incredible matches as Kenny Omega, nor have their peaks reached the heights of The Best Bout Machine when it comes to in-ring action.

His matches in AEW have brought millions of views to the company, with his AEW Championship reign being the best in the promotion’s short history.

However, it was in New Japan Pro Wrestling where Kenny Omega’s best matches took place.

In particular, his four matches against Kazuchika Okada made him a household name, and won him numerous “match of the year” awards that will never be matched.

While three of his matches against Kazuchika Okada earned six-stars (or more), the fourth and final contest blew all expectations away and earned Dave Meltzer’s most exclusive and coveted seven-star rating.

Kenny Omega’s 7 Star Matches

Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada (NJPW Dominion 6.9 In Osaka-Jo Hall)

The greatest match of all time (if you believe Dave Meltzer) is the fight between Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada at NJPW Dominion 6.9 In Osaka-Jo Hall

This match surpassed the six-star rating and earned itself the iconic seven-star rating from Dave Meltzer.

In their fourth and final encounter, Kenny Omega finally defeated Kazuchika Okada to win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship – but he had to work for it.

Fought under 2 out of 3 falls rules, Kenny Omega wrestled Kazuchika Okada in a 90-minute bout that blew any and all expectations away.

Simply, no other match can match this. It had fantastic storytelling, incredible selling and brilliant callbacks to the previous bouts between the two. A true modern classic.

While the match did slightly plod on in the middle, that did not seen to dissuade Dave Meltzer.

In the Wrestling Observe, he awarded Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada a 7-star rating, higher than any other match in history.

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