MJF Reveals Scarf Is A Tribute To “Rowdy” Roddy Piper

AEW Champion MJF is perhaps best known for wearing a scarf to the ring, although the origins of the scarf has never been explained on TV.

MJF is one of the most charismatic talents on TV at the moment, and you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone in wrestling history who can match him on the microphone.

His character exudes ignorance, playing up his childhood where he grew up as a wealthy only child, who was spoiled and given anything he wanted. This also explains why MJF wears a designer scarf.

Since his debut in AEW, MJF has worn a Burberry-print scarf to the ring. The scarf has a tartan-check pattern and was designed by Burberry, and is considered their signature design.

With the scarf being sold for over $500, it is clearly a show of wealth and opulence for MJF. However, that is not the only reason MJF wears a scarf in AEW.

Why Does MJF Wear A Scarf?

MJF told Newsday that the reason he wears a scarf to the ring is to pay tribute to the late “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.

The inspiration came from the tartan kilt that Piper would wear to the ring, as it added more to his character than just walking out in tights and boots.

Piper was also a favourite of MJF as a child, and he has modelled a lot of his work after the WWE Hall of Famer.

He revealed in the same interview about how inconic the “Hot Rod” was to him, and spoke about the moment Roddy Piper made him sit up and take notice – even inspiring him to become a professional wrestler.

“I found this guy whose feet were up on the desk. He was chomping on gum real loud – you could tell he was talking to someone that was his boss, but he didn’t seem to care”.

“Once I saw Roddy Piper I knew exactly what I was going to be doing when I grew up”

MJF on being inspired by Roddy Piper

MJF Names Roddy Piper As His Dream Opponent

mjf roddy piper

When asked who would be his dream opponent in pro-wrestling, MJF did not hesitate to name Roddy Piper.

He has previously been compared to the Hot Rod, and revealed the former Intercontinental Champion to be his favourite wrestler of all time.

“And if I was able to have an opportunity to have promos back and forth with Roddy, and then a match that I know would be vicious as all hell. I think that would probably go down as the greatest match in the history of professional wrestling.”

MJF cites Roddy Piper as his favourite wrestler of all time

Further adding to that comment, JF recently participated in the For The Love Of Wrestling convention in Liverpool.

During the Q&A portion of the event, he was asked who his dream opponent was, and quick as a flash listed Roddy Piper as the one man he’d like to face.

“Do I think Roddy Piper is the only person that could go toe-to-toe with me on the stick in the history of professional wrestling? The answer’s yes. Was the man absolutely insane, and do I think we would have a barbaric match as well that would stand the test of time? Yes. I got a lot of people tell me that I remind of the Rowdy one, and I think that would be one hell of a match. So, that is my answer.”

MJF wearing his scarf vs Roddy Piper wearing his kilt would truly be one of the greatest rivalries in pro-wrestling history.

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