Ricochet On Disappointing Brock Lesnar Match

Ricochet earned himself a dream match at Super ShowDown 2020, when he challenged for the WWE Championship for the first time in his career.

Brock Lesnar vs Ricochet was a huge match that took place in Saudi Arabia, with fans excited to see how to two men’s styles would clash in the match.

However, the match was less than ideal. Lesnar dominated from the off, hitting multiple German Suplexes and an F5 to win a short, unsatisfying match.

This was very upsetting for Ricochet fans, who saw their favourite star getting decimated by The Beast in impressive fashion.

He tumbled back down the card following that match, but has since managed to claw his way back up in his tag team with Braun Strowman.

However, Ricochet himself has a positive outlook on the match. He noted in an interview with Inside the Ropes that he knew that there was a bigger story at play, that was bigger than this singles match against Brock Lesnar.

It’s crazy, honestly. Like probably right before we went out there, I was kind of just told what we were doing, and you know, there’s still a story that they’re trying to tell.

Yeah, they’re still, you know, characters that they’re trying to build for other things, and so there’s a lot of factors that go into it rather than just the match, you know what I mean?

And so I think that’s something that people tend to forget about. It’s not just about that specific match. It’s about the future as well, yeah.

Ricochet went on to say how the match was no how he would have liked it, but it did leave the door open for a rematch at some place down the line, when Ricochet is on a higher spot on the card than he currently is.

That match not being exactly what I wanted it to be, I still think there is opportunity in the future to get back, whether it’s with him or with someone else.

I still think there is opportunity for Ricochet to get back there and to make that, whether it’s that same match, yeah, but make it different and make it mean more because Ricochet’s in a different spot. Yeah, I mean, I think there’s always opportunity, especially with somebody like me who’s capable of anything.

If you use any quotes from this article, please HT to Atletifo for the transcription.

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