Steve Austin Reveals Kurt Angle Made Him Break Character In Famous Segment

WWE legend “Stone Cold” Steve Austin has revealed that Kurt Angle made him break character multiple times, in one of the most famous wrestling segments ever.

Speaking in a recent interview with The South Kongress Podcast, Steve Austin spoke about his relationship with Kurt Angle, making note of the time the pair worked together round the time of the Invasion angle in 2001.

He revealed that in the famous segment where Austin sings to Angle while playing a guitar, the Olympic Gold Medallist was so funny that he forced Austin to break char

“Man, only one time when I was singing to him on a guitar, I actually busted, and we broke and busted character,” Steve Austin said. “And we had to redo that one. But most of those done, and you can ask Kurt, most of those were one, two take deals, most of them are one take deals, where I’d come up with these ideas. And it was just an adlib, and Kurt is so talented, he would just go back and forth with me.

“And he had that hokeyness about him, along with that shoot aspect of being in a ’96 Olympic gold medalist. He was one of those shoot guys that had the ability to drop the ego out of it and just play upon his strengths, which was sometimes being aloof or just saying stuff. He has great comedic timing; he’s very articulate, very eloquent. He can memorize anything at the drop of a hat.

“But this was improvisation, and so I just think it speaks to our skills of just being able to do what we did, and then putting those two skills together and feeding off of each other and trusting each other and just lettin’ it fly. And Kurt is one of the best…I’ve never seen anybody pick up the business of professional wrestling faster than Kurt Angle. In all my years of watching, no one even comes close. And he was as great, just as great on a promo, and he was a wonderful heel and a wonderful person to work against. So I give him a lot of that credit.”

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