Every Wrestler Who Beat Kenny Omega In AEW

Can you name every wrestler who has beaten Kenny Omega in AEW by pin fall?

AEW Champion Kenny Omega has been one of the most protected wrestlers in AEW. A loss by Kenny is few and far between, and he has shown during this time that he is one of, if not the best, wrestler in the world.

However, there are 5 wrestlers who can claim to have pinned Kenny Omega in an AEW ring.

One of those wrestlers can claim to have pinned Kenny Omega not once, but twice in an AEW ring. Two of the wrestlers are former AEW World Champions, while the other two are former Impact World Champions.

Here are the list of ever wrestler that beat Kenny Omega in AEW by pin fall. Victories by submission or referee stoppage, or DQ will not be counted.

Every Wrestler Who Beat Kenny Omega In AEW

vs Chris Jericho, AEW Double or Nothing 2019

Kenny Omega’s first AEW loss by pin fall actually came in his first match for the company.

Omega faced off with the legendary Chris Jericho at AEW Double or Nothing. The match was a normal match, but the winner would earn a shot at becoming the first ever AEW Champion. The stakes were sky high.

The pair had faced off before, in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Jericho made his NJPW debut at Wrestle Kingdom 12, facing off with Omega in a no disqualification match for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship.

On that occasion, Omega would be victorious after over 30 minutes of destructive fighting. However, in AEW the result would differ in Jericho’s favour.

The Match

The match went 27 minutes, and main evented the first ever AEW show. It was an open contest, with both men giving it there all and putting on an excellent match.

The match ended when Chris Jericho counted Omega’s One Winged Angel into a DDT, before hitting him with a Codebreaker. He then set up and hit his new finisher, a spinning back elbow named “The Judas Effect”.


Kenny Omega would lose by pin fall, with Jericho getting the 1-2-3 after 27 minutes of action. It was a shock to fans, who were expecting the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion to be the first man to hold the AEW Championship.

That match was great, but was overshadowed by what came next. Jon Moxley ran in after the match, the former Dean Ambrose making his shock AEW debut. He attacked both Jericho and Omega, eventually performing a fireman’s carry takeover on Omega, sending him crashing through the stage.

Chris Jericho is the first of 4 wrestlers to beat Kenny Omega by pin fall. Of all the wrestlers who could have pinned Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho was certainly the right choice, if albeit shocking at the time.

vs Jon Moxley, AEW Full Gear 2019

The second of the wrestlers to have pinned Kenny Omega in AEW was none other than Jon Moxley.

Following on from the aftermath of the Jericho vs Omega match at Double or Nothing, it would take a while for Omega to finally meet Moxley in the ring.

While Kenny Omega did lose to PAC at AEW All Out, it is not included on this list. The match was decided by referee stoppage, and thus Kenny Omega did not lose by pinfall.

His next loss would be against Jon Moxley, at AEW Full Gear. Moxley made his AEW debut after Kenny Omega suffered his first pin fall loss, against Chris Jericho at Double or Nothing 2019.

After the match, Moxley attacked Omega and Jericho. He would do the same on the first episode of AEW Dynamite, attacking Kenny Omega during the main event, and hitting his Paradigm Shift move on Omega through a glass table.

They finally locked horns at AEW Full Gear 2019, in a special AEW-only match type. It was a “Lights out” unsanctioned match. This match is a no-disqualification match, but with one important distinction.

The match does not count toward the official AEW rankings, and is used when wrestlers don’t care about rising in the rankings – they just want to beat the shit out of each other.

The Match

This match was just that. Nearly 40 minutes of Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega just beating the absolute shit out of each other. It could be argued that it was more extreme than their “Exploding Barbed wire death match” at AEW Revolution 2021.

The match featured barbed wire, chairs, and trash cans. The pair went through tables, strangled each other with chains and even suplexed each other through a mess of barbed wire.

They even tore the ring apart. Exposing the wood below, they ripped the canvas from the ring just before the finish. Omega tried a 450 splash onto Moxley, who rolled away as Omega smashed his face onto the wood below.

Moxley then hit Omega with the Paradigm shift, and won the match. Omega was now 3-0 in major AEW pay-per-views, losing to Chris Jericho and PAC in previous iterations.

vs Lucha Bros, AEW Dynamite, 18 December 2019

Kenny’s first pin fall loss in tag team action took place on AEW Dynamite. It was the 12th episode of AEW’s main show, and was in one of the best matches of the companies early history.

Adam Page and Kenny Omega were just beginning to form their future tag team title winning team. JR notes on commentary that they still at odds, and struggling to get on the same page.

To make things worse, they are facing one of the best tag teams in the world. The Lucha Brothers made it to the finals of the AEW Tag Team Title tournament, and are currently the AAA Tag Team Champions.

The match started with Omega facing off with Rey Fenix. After some wrestling, Fenix tagged in Pentagon Jr, so Omega tagged in Page.

This highlighted how disjointed Page and Omega. They weren’t fighting as a team, they were fighting as a pair of individuals.

Throughout the match, the pair would start to get on the same page. They would string together some wonderful tag team moves, and start to look like the brilliant team they would become.

Match Ending

However, it would be their dissension that would be their downfall. Toward the end of the match, Kenny Omega reversed Pentagon’s package piledriver, managing to grab hold of his arms and setting Page up for his Buckshot Lariat.

Penta would move, and Page did not have time to stop the strike. He launched into Omega, knocking him out cold. Penta then threw Adam Page, and the Lucha Bros hit their Package Piledriver/Double foot stomp combination move on Omega.

They pinned him for the 1-2-3, and took the victory. Page and Omega would trade pushes after the match, before being interrupted by PAC via video.

Penta would be only the 4th wrestler to pin Kenny Omega in AEW. Kenny Omega was taking a lot more losses than expected early on in his AEW career. However, he would get on the same page as Hangman Adam Page, and win the AEW Tag Team Title early the next year.

Pentagon is currently the only Mexican of the wrestlers to beat Kenny Omega, and the second to have pinned him who has been Impact World Heavyweight Champion.

vs Inner Circle, AEW Dynamite, 7 May 2020

Former AEW Champion Chris Jericho pinned Kenny Omega in his next loss, and beat him in a tag team match not featuring the usual partner he wrestles with, Hangman Adam Page.

Kenny Omega’s next defeat came in the spring of 2020. The global pandemic had ravaged the world, and fans were no longer allowed to attend AEW. They were forced to perform out of Daily’s Place arena, with only wrestlers to try and make noise to rouse the performers.

However, this did not stop AEW’s stories. Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy continued the Elite’s feud against the Inner Circle. A few weeks later, the two teams would face off in the incredible Stadium Stampede match, which was one of the best AEW matches of all time.

Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy took on Inner Circle members Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara. It was a street fight, where anything goes and that they could pin their opponents wherever they wanted.

This meant that some incredible spots could be achieved. All men took huge bumps and had an incredibly violent match.

The Match

Matt Hardy jumped off a ladder, crashing himself and Sammy through a table. The two teams fought backstage, and into the parking lot, hitting each other with various weapons as they did.

This match is also the first time when Matt Hardy would attack Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho by running them over. The image of him chasing Sammy down with the golf cart is one of the lasting images of the AEW pandemic era, and one that would be revisited many, many times.

Chris Jericho would become the only wrestlers in AEW to pin Kenny Omega twice, in this match. After the Inner Circle interfered, Jericho powerbombed Omega on top of the golf cart, before hitting a fatal Judas Effect and pinning Kenny Omega for the victory.

However, it would take over a year for Kenny Omega to suffer his next pin fall loss, and that would come at the hands of a fellow Canadian superstar…

vs Christian Cage, AEW Rampage, August 13 2021

Last on the list of wrestlers who pinned Kenny Omega is the Instant Classic himself, Christian Cage.

The last time Kenny Omega was pinned in an AEW ring was actually for the Impact World Championship. Omega had been on a spree, collecting world title belts from Impact and AAA, and at one point held four titles concurrently.

His belt collector gimmick had not gone unnoticed by Christian Cage. Cage had come out of retirement in January 2021, making his return in the Royal Rumble after seven years in retirement. However, WWE had no interest in him returning full time, so the decision was made for him to join AEW.

Christian Cage joined AEW, being revealed at AEW Double or Nothing 2021. AEW Chairman Tony Khan had announced a Hall of Fame signing to be joining AEW, and fans were excited when former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage walked out onto the stage.

It didn’t take long for Cage to make an impact in AEW. He soon racked up wins over star like Frankie Kazarian, Powerhouse Hobbs and Matt Hardy, catapulting him to the top of the AEW rankings.

Christian Cage soon was booked in a AEW World Championship match at All Out 2021, but he wouldn’t wait until then to pin Kenny Omega. He goaded Omega into accepting a bout with him for another one of his championship titles – the Imapact World Heavyweight Championship.

The match took place on the premier episode of AEW Rampage, and was a brilliant match between two of the best Canadian wrestlers in history.

The Match

The match itself was a great one. The pair had instant chemistry in the ring, and for the most part avoided the much derided trope of outside interference.

Christian Cage had clearly not missed a step since he retired in 2014. He looked and moved like a man 10 years his country, and kept up with the incredibly athletic Kenny Omega every step of the way.

Usually, the interference that did come at the end would lower the matches rating. And it may have in some people’s eyes.

However, I thought the ending was brilliant. The Young Bucks ran in at the end, and threw a chair in for Omega to use to beat Cage. He had yet to put away the former World Heavyweight Champion, and thought he needed to resort to cheating to keep his Impact World Championship.

However, Cage outwitted Omega and The Elite. He himself used the chair, hitting his finisher “The Killswitch” onto the chair, and pinned the AEW Champion to steal his Impact Championship away from him.

Despite winning the World Championship in TNA/Impact twice prior, he never won the Impact World Championship, or the title it came from (TNA World Championship). Cage was a two-time NWA Champion, when they were partnered with Jeff Jarrett’s TNA.

As of now, these are the only times Kenny Omega has been pinned in AEW. However, come Full Gear 2021, a fifth man would be added to the list of men who defeated Kenny Omega by pinfall…

vs Adam Page, AEW Revolution 2020

Hangman Adam Page with the Dark Order at Full Gear (Photo by @Kimberlasskicker https://www.instagram.com/kimberlasskick/)

The fifth and final man to pin the AEW Champion was his former tag team partner, Hangman Adam Page.

The story between Page and Omega had been brewing since the beginning of AEW, and was interwoven into the very fabric of AEW Dynamite.

The pair faced off the year before at Full Gear 2020. Both men, after splitting up from their tag team after losing the AEW Tag Team Championships to FTR, made their way to the final of the AEW Eliminator tournament. In that instance, Omega pinned Page with a One Winged Angel.


That would only be the start. Omega would become AEW Champion, whilst Page would struggle with letting new friends into his life. He struggled with the idea of joining the Dark Order, eventually accepting their friendship despite being burned before.

He was pinned again by Omega at Fyter Fest 2021, in a five-on-five elimination match between the Dark Order with Page and the Kenny Omega-led The Elite. Omega pinned Page, costing him his shot at the AEW Championship.

Page would leave for months, feeling like he let down his Dark Order down. They had a chance to take on the Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Championships, but the loss cost them that shot.

However, Hangman’s story was not over. He returned on AEW Dynamite in October, being the surprise entrant in the Casino Ladder Match. He climbed the ladder after entering last, grabbing the poker chip and becoming the next in line to face Kenny Omega for the AEW Championship.

The match was set for Full Gear 2021. One year after his was pinned by Kenny Omega, it was Hangman’s destiny to finally beat his former partner and win the AEW Championship.

The Match

The rematch at Full Gear was one of the most anticipated matches in AEW history. Fans, even at the end of a four hour show, were rabid as Hangman Adam Page made his long awaited entrance.

The match was explosive, despite amounting injuries to Kenny Omega leaving him with no strength in his shoulders and suffering from vertigo in the ring.

The match lasted 25 minutes but absolutely flew by. It was a back and forth match which went at such a fast pace that you never noticed the minutes ticking by.

Page thought he had the win when he hit Omega with a One Winged Angel, but the champion managed to kick out at 2.9.

Finally, the Young Bucks limped out to make an appearance. After refusing to second Page two years prior in his title match against Chris Jericho, they came out in the match where he would finally win the championship.

Rather than interfere in the match, they simply watched. As he hit Omega with a Buckshot Lariat, Matt Jackson nodded, showing his support for Page dethroning Omega as champion.

He hit a second Buckshot Lariat, pinned Omega and won the match. He became the fifth man, in the sixth instance, to pin Omega and cemented himself as the face of AEW. A promise he made nearly three years ago was finally fulfilled.

It was one of the best Hangman Adam Page matches he’s had in AEW.

Cowboy shit.

Konosuke Takeshita

At AEW All Out & AEW All In, Konosuke Takeshita pinned Kenny Omega to win back-to-back pay per view matches.

At Wembley Stadium, Takeshita teamed with Jay White and Juice Robinson to take on the trio of Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi and Adam Page.

He rolled up Omega to win the match, in front of 81,035 fans in AEW’s debut show in the United Kingdom.

A week later, Konosuke Takeshita pinned Kenny Omega with his finishing move during their singles match at AEW All Out 2023.

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