Edge Kicks Out Of Brogue Kick During Last WWE Match

WWE Hall of Famer Edge made history in his last WWE match, kicking out of Sheamus’ finisher, the Brogue Kick.

To mark the 25th anniversary of Edge’s career in the WWE, he took on the Irish star in his final match in the company.

Edge’s WWE contract is said to have expired following the match against Sheamus, sparking speculation he could be making an AEW appearance at All In.

On Smackdown last night, Edge defeated Sheamus in his last ever WWE match (as Edge self reported in an interview this week).

It was an emotional affair, with the match taking place in Edge’s hometown of Toronto. It was here that he began his pro-wrestling career, alongside his long-time best friend Christian Cage.

While Christian now wrestles for AEW, and couldn’t be a part of this match, he took on another long-time friend, and the man who inspired him to try to come out of retirement, following his neck injury in 2011 – Sheamus.

Edge vs Sheamus

In his last match in the WWE, Edge wrestled against long-time friend Sheamus in the main event of Smackdown.

The bout took place on the 18th August, 2023, and took place in Edge;s hometown of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

It was a fun match, lasting just under twenty-minutes, but flying by when you actually watch it.

Edge wore blue-and-white wrestling attire for the match, paying tribute to his beloved Toronto Blue-Jays (as per WWE commentary).

Edge faces off with Sheamus before his last ever WWE match.

Edge vs Sheamus was really a celebration of Edge’s career (and not just because it was to promote Edge’s 25 Anniversary in the WWE).

He hit the gauntlet of his various finishing moves over the years, with iterations of every move with the word “Edge” in it from the past two-and-a-half decades.

Sheamus was a fine choice for his opponent, as both men worked a safe, snug style that got the fans involved. While it was slightly sloppy on Edge’s part, the Canadian crowd had nothing but love for the former World Champion.

Despite is history of neck injuries, Edge took some huge bumps in his last match. A big superplex saw him come crashing to the mat, and he even took a middle rope “White Noise” from Sheamus (which really looked like it hurt).

Edge flying through the air against Sheamus (credit: WWE)

The match did have one huge shock to it – Edge kicked out of the Brogue Kick. He joined a very short list of people to survive the flying boot the skull, which includes Daniel Bryan and The Big Show.

He followed this up by two spears to win the match and say goodbye to the WWE for good.

Edge gave a speech after the match to the Toronto crowd, proclaiming this would be the final time he would wrestle in his home state.

Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but somehow Egde kicked out!

He also noted that this isn’t goodbye to WWE for good – claiming, “”no matter where I make my main residence, this is always in my heart.”

This gave some fans hope that Edge would not be retiring from wrestling completely, and would be making a huge move over the AEW at some time in the near future.

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