Every Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy Jack Perry Match, Ranked

From friends to rivals, the Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage rivalry has been brewing for nearly two years.

Christian Cage debuted in AEW at Revolution 2021 as a “Hall of Fame” signing the company hyped up for weeks. He soon aligned himself with Jungle Boy, after the young star eliminated him from a Casino Battle Royal.

However, Christian Cage was distraught and simply bided his time before he could get his revenge. This included helping a young Jack Perry to win the AEW tag team titles, in a very confusing way of taking revenge.

Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy had two huge matches against one another in AEW. Both took place on pay per view and were big parts in selling the shows to the fans.

Here is every match between Jungle Boy and Christian Cage in AEW, ranked from the worst to the best.

Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy

Here is every singles match between Christian Cage and Jungle Boy in AEW. Let us know which Jack Perry vs Christian Cage match is your favourite in the comments below, once you finish reading this article.

AEW All Out 2022

The first time Christian Cage wrestled against Jungle Boy in AEW singles action, he won the match in quick and decisive fashion.

Their bout at All Out 2022 lasted a paltry 33 seconds, one of the shortest pay per view matches in AEW history.

Before the match, Jack Perry was attacked by Luchasaurus, who was aligned with Christian Cage at the time. This put him at a big disadvantage for the match and left him easy work for Cage to deal with.

Luchasaurus choke slammed “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry on the stage area before he power bombed Jungle Boy through a table. Once he got to the ring, Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy was a forgone conclusion.

After 33 seconds and 1 Killswitch later, Christian Cage won the match and seemingly the feud. He would then go off TV for months due to an injury, leaving Jungle Boy alone for months until his return early in 2023.

AEW Revolution 2023 (Final Burial Match)

The second Christian Cage vs Jungle Boy match was the better of the match, and the most unique. It took place at AEW Revolution 2023 as the second match on the impressive show.

After suffering a brutal injury before All Out 2022, Christian Cage was forced to take an extended hiatus from wrestling. However, once he was all healed up, he continued his feud with Jungle Boy.

His match with Jack Perry was the first time a new stipulation has been used in AEW. They introduced the “Final Burial” match, a version of the Casket/Buried Alive match. The winner has to lock their opponent in a coffin, before they are sent underground to be buried alive.

There is no victory via pin fall or submission, which gave Christian Cage and Jack Perry the opportunity to inflict as much pain on the other as possible.

The match was an all-out brawl between two fearce rivals. Cage had been insulting Perry’s death father (the late actor Luke Perry) for months, and both men had finally had enough of the talking.

Steel stars, chairs, leather belts and more were used to damage each other both physically and mentally. Cage choked Perry with his belt in one of the most uncomfortable spots of the day, before opening the casket to reveal a set of chairs.

He was ready to end Perry’s career with his patented Con-Chair-To. The pair brawled on the stage, the place where most of the match took place, Jack Perry managed to avoid anything too dangerous, hitting big moves on Cage like a big dive off the stage.

The match looked like it was over, when Christian Cage bounced Jungle Boy’s head off the casket and tried to choke him out inside of it. However, Perry fought valiantly and stopped the match from ending then and there.

Cage used all of his cunning, including a kick to the balls, dirt to the eyes and his patented Killswitch move to try and win the match. He looked every bit the dastardly heel he was and set himself up for a main event heel run in the future.

Avoiding a shovel to the face, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry managed to lock in the snare trap onto Christian Cage, using the shovel as a lever to knock out Cage. Perry then hit Cage with a brutal Con-Chair-To, the sound reverberating around the arena as the crowd chanted “Holy Shot”.

The young star then placed Christian Cage into the casket, crossed his arms, a la The Undertaker, and slammed the lid shut. This ended the match and the feud, putting the final nail in the coffin for the iconic Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage rivalry in AEW.

The match was awarded an 8.03 rating on Cagematch, and Atletifo ranked it at a 3 out of 5 star rating.

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