Is Omos The Tallest Wrestler In WWE History?

Omos has taken the WWE by storm since his debut in the company.

Standing at 7 foot 3 inches tall, he is one of the tallest wrestlers the world has ever seen.

He towers over his opponents, making fellow giants like Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley look small in comparison.

Howveer, you may be wondering if he is the tallest wrestler currently in the WWE. The company is known as the “land of the giants”, a suitable name for a man of Omos stature.

In this article, we’ll explore whether or not Omos is the tallest wrestler in the WWE.

Is Omos The Tallest Wrestler In WWE?

Omos is currently the tallest wrestler in the WWE. He stands head an shoulders above the rest, probably brushing clouds with the top of his head as he walks about his day.

The Nigerian Giant is clearly taller than Braun Strowman, the next tallest man in the WWE. Their match in Saudi Arabia in 2022 proved that, although Strowman did beat Omos in that epic encounter.

He is also taller than other giants in the WWE, like The Undertaker, Commander Azeez and Damien Priest. However, there are some WWE legends that come close to his height, while some even surpass him in height over the long history of the WWE.

The Great Khali

Despite being billed at 7 foot 3 (the same as Omos), The Great Khali was actually slightly smaller than the Nigerian Giant.

The Indian Gaint was a huge and terrifying sight to behold.

Standing at 7 feet and 1 inches, he was the fifth-tallest wrestler to ever step foot in a WWE ring.

He towered over opponents, and made wrestlers like Rey Mysterio look like literal children.

Andre The Giant

andre the giant last match

Despite varying claims about his height, Andre the Giant was not as monstrously tall as many thought.

Likely coming in at around 7 feet tall at his peak, it was his immense size of the rest of his body that made him feared around the world.

His was wide and thick, with a huge head and giant hands that could crush you in seconds, if he so felt like it (he usually didn’t though).

Whilst, due to his condition, Andre the Giant would have seemed more incredible to look at than Omos, he was actually shorter than Omos during his career.

Giant Gonzalez

A wrestler who can rightfully claim to be taller than Omos is the infamous Giant Gonzalez.

Despite being billed at over 8 foot tall, the Giant Gonzales only stood at 7 feet 7.

Yes, WWE had a legit giant in their midst and still felt the need to embellish his height. He was actually nearly 8 foot tall, a ridiculous height which made even the Undertaker look small.

Apart from his height, Giant Gonzales was terrible in the ring. This could have been due to his height, as it limited his mobility. This was really noticeable when he faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania, in one of the worst matches in WrestleMania history.

Trapper John

After Giant Gonzalez, there is one more, much lesser know wrestler who is taller than Omos.

The man’s name is Trapper John, and you’d be more than forgiven for having never heard his name before.

Trapper John was signed to the AWA in the 1980s, as a response to the rising popularity of Andre the Giant in WWE. Not to be outdone, Vince McMahon made an offer to the giant, who was billed at 7 feet 8 but actually measured in at 7 feet 4 inches.

He made one non-televised appearance for WWE, but his in ring skills were so bad, Vince paid him to stay at home.

Trapper John would continue professional wrestling until 1990, when he would retire. He found success in acting, even having a part in movies like Pee-Wees big adventure.

Despite being bigger than Andre the Giant, he didn’t have the ability that the French Giant had. He flittered out into irrelevancy, but still manages to be known as one-of-two wrestlers who are taller than The Nigerian Giant Omos.

Did you know all the wrestlers that are taller than Omos? Let us know in the comments section below, or click below to read about Brock Lesnar’s incredible performances at Summerslam

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