Jimmy Uso Turns On Roman Reigns To End The Bloodline

Jimmy Uso hit Roman Reigns with a series of superkicks to finally escape from under the thumb of Roman Reigns.

He, alongside his brother Jey Uso, cost Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa the WWE Tag Team Championships, helping Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens retain their championships at Night of Champions.

In Saudi Arabia, the Bloodline imploded, with Jimmy Uso the catlyst for one of the biggest fallouts in WWE history.

Undisputed Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn made their first defense at a WWE premium live event at the Night of Champions show and went up against two heavy hitters in Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa

The match between Reigns/Siko & Zayn/Owens started off slow before The Bloodline took over with cheap tactics. Owens got the hot tag, hit a frog splash off the top rope for a near fall.

Roman Reigns took a stunner from Owens, before retaliating with a spear. Reigns broke up a pin attempt after Zayn hit a Helliva kick in the corner on Solo. Reigns with a spear to the referee by accident.

The Usos came out to take out Owens and Zayn. The Usos accidentally super kicked Solo, upsetting Reigns.

Reigns piefaced Jey Uso, before Jimmy hit a superkick to Reigns twice, ending his association with his cousin once and for all. Jimmy told Jey that they need to leave Roman. This led to Owens and Zayn hitting their finishers to Solo for the win.

This looks to be the beginning of the end for the Bloodline saga, with Roman Reigns likely to lose hold of his WWE Championships, without his cousins by his side.

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