Mr Kennedy Said Jim Cornette’s Firing Was “Best Thing That Happened To Me”

Former WWE Superstar Mr Kennedy had a mixed WWE career, but labelled one action by Jim Cornette as the best thing that ever happened to him.

Mr Kennedy had huge promise when he first came into the WWE. He won the United States Championship and Money in the Bank, but failed to cash it in due to an injury.

He never became WWE Champion, and also missed out on the chance of being Vince McMahon’s son (in-storyline). You can read about the details of that by clicking the link below.

Kennedy was fired by the WWE in 2009 for injuring Randy Orton, and he so far has not returned to the company.

However, he recently spoke with Developmentally Speaking, and spoke about the instance where Jim Cornette slapped Santino Marella.

This caused Cornette to be fired from the company, much to the delight of Mr Kennedy. Paul Heyman then took over from the developmental territory they were training in, which gave him a new lease on life.

“I say this half-joking, but one of the best things that’s ever happened to me in my career was Jim Cornette slapping Santino Marella around in the back. Because he got released, and the next day Paul Heyman came in.

And Paul pulled me aside right away and he said, ‘I’m going to do so much stuff with you.’ He goes, ‘I’ve been a fan of yours since we met, and I’m going to do so much stuff with you on TV that they’re going to have to notice you.”

Paul Heyman was the man who actually named Mr Kennedy.

Before his appointment as the head of OVW, the young star went by his real name of Mr Anderson. Heyman then changed his name to Kennedy, with the logic that if he took Vince’s middle name (he is called Vincent Kennedy McMahon), then the WWE Chairman would be more inclined to push him.

You can click down below to read about Mr Kennedy’s potential return to the WWE.

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