Shane McMahon Reveals Meeting The Undertaker For The First Time

Shane McMahon has revealed how he met The Undertaker for the first time, 26 years before their incredible match at WrestleMania.

Shane McMahon returned to the WWE after nearly a decade away in 2016, attempting to take over the company from his father, Vince McMahon.

Vince ended up booking Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker for WrestleMania 32, with the company on the line. The match was made a Hell in a Cell match, adding even more jeopardy for Shane McMahon.

In 2020, Shane McMahon wrote an editorial piece for ESPN, chronicling many things about his life and career.

Most notably was the section about meeting The Undertaker for the first time, as the man then known as Mark Callway came to the McMahon house to meet Vince McMahon and get a job with the WWF.

Writing for ESPN, Shane McMahon said this about The Undertake:

In the summer of 1990, I was back from college and I was staying at my parents’ house in Greenwich, Connecticut. My dad would have special talent come out to the house. Mark came walking through my dad’s front door. Big, huge, but young — no tattoos, just an alabaster glow of skin. Oh my god, he was so pale.

I remember he was sitting on the couch that day, looking uncomfortable. He wasn’t sitting straight up, just off to the side a little bit. So I asked him if he was OK.

He said, “I can’t believe it. I only have this one pair of pants. This morning, I got up, leaned down to pick up something and — POP — I popped my zipper.” I looked right next to his zipper, and there’s this giant hole. Now, back in 1990 on a Saturday in New York City, where he’s staying, it’s not like there’s a big-and-tall men’s shop that’s open super early. So I assured him it was OK, that the chief wouldn’t even notice.

We just hit it off. You’ve got two kids in their 20s, just starting in the business. And that’s what our relationship would be built on: trust, respect and looking out for each other.

Shane McMahon returned to the WWE at WrestleMania 39, interrupting The Miz was for an impromptu match on night 2.

However, he tore his quad on a leapfrog, and Snoop Dogg had to call an audible and hit Miz with a People’s Elbow instead.

You can read about that disaster down below.

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