Vince McMahon Is Back In Charge Of WWE – And It Shows

It’s Official – Vince McMahon is back in charge of the WWE, and it showed on Monday Night Raw.

According to reports from PWInsider, “Vince McMahon was personally and heavily involved with last night’s episode of Monday Night Raw, has confirmed with multiple sources.”

There were reports that McMahon ripped up the shows script hours before the show, something which had been eliminated under Triple H.

He was also said to be on the headset again, directing the commentators, as he did for the last three decades.

PWinsider also claimed “Among some talents we spoke with, there was a huge negative shift in morale as they realized that things were going to go back to “exactly where they were” before Paul Levesque was placed in control as Chief Content Officer. 

One source said the “place felt nuked” but others didn’t go that far.  The feeling was that going forward, the likelihood was that McMahon would be overseeing everything again, leaving the creative once again to his whims and sensibilities, although whether that actually plays out remains to be seen. “

His fingerprints were all over the main event angle of the show. Cody Rhodes meekly asked Roman Reigns for a rematch, and after being thoroughly rejected, asked for a tag team match.

He got it, and his partner was revealed as Brock Lesnar, who almost immediately attacked him and turned heel.

Dave Metlzer is reported to have said this about Vince McMahon being back in charge of the WWE.

“He’s back in charge. He was running TV tonight. He’s back. It will be what it was before.”

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