Trish Stratus, Becky Lynch and Lita Impress In Huge WrestleMania 39 Bout

Trish Stratus returned to the ring at WrestleMania 39 for the first time in 5 years, impressing alongside Lita and Becky Lynch against Damage CTRL.

At WrestleMania 39, the legendary trio of Becky Lynch, Lita and Trish Stratus up for one of the biggest women’s matches of all time.

With a combined 14 Women’s Championships between them, they seemed a formidable team. However, in front of them stood three of the biggest stars on the roster.

Bayley led IO SKY and Dakota Kai, known professionally together as DAMAGE CTRL, in their match against the three legends.

The match began with all six women brawling in the ring, although they soon ejected DAMAGE CTRL from the proceedings. Becky then dragged Dakota Kai back in, so the match could star properly.

However, Dakota Kai got the better of Lynch, and the three women cut her off from her partners. They began to decimate Becky Lynch, getting a few near falls in the process.

Frequent tags kept them fresh for the match, with Bayley mocking Lita upon her entrance. Becky soon got the hot tag, with Lita clearing house on the heels with some impressive Lucha Libre moves.

However, Bayley managed to knock Lita off the top rope, giving her side the advantage back in the match. Becky remained sidelined on the outside of the ring, as Trish Stratus stood alone on the apron, awaiting a tag.

Trish Stratus Stands Alone On The Ring Apron

Eventually, Lita landed a double DDT and handed Trish the chance to stpe into the ring for the first time since the 2018 Royal Rumble.

She cleaned house, hitting a Thesz press, a double-team head scissors and neck breaker, getting the near-fall on Dakota Kai.

The spot of the night came as Lita and Becky Lynch gave Trish Stratus a springboard up to the top rope, allowing her to hit a head-scissors onto Kai for another close pin fall.

Becky almost got the win with a Dis-Arm-Her, but Bayley broke it up before tagging herself into the match. A series of near-falls followed, including Trish finally hitting the Stratusfaction, before being planted by a Bayley-to-Belly.

IO SKY then launched a moonsault onto the outside, although it lost a bit of lustre after the overuse of the move in the Logan Paul vs Seth Rollins match.

Lita and Trish worked together to hit their finishers on Sky and Kai, before Becky Lynch nailed Bayley with a top-rope Rock Bottom to win the bout for their team.

This gave Trish Stratus the win on her return to the ring and her first WrestleMania match in over a decade.

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