Why Does Tyrus Carry His Wrestling Belt On Fox News?

The world was shocked when Billy Corgan made the interesting choice to make Tyrus the new NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion.

The title has a long and prestigious lineage, dating back decades. It has been held by some of the all-time greats, like Ric Flair, Harley Race, Cody Rhodes and many, many more.

However, in 2022, Tyrus pinned Trevor Murdoch to win the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship. This was the first world title of his career, and made him one of the oldest first-time world champs at 49 years old.

Given that the match also included former Champion Matt Cardona, it seemed very odd to see the former Brodus Clay star made champion. He never showed much aptitude for wrestling, failing to get over in the WWE and wrestling pretty terrible matches throughout his career.

Nevertheless, he is the champion. And you probably knew that Tyrus was a wrestling champion, given that he brings his belt with him wherever he goes!

He has been seen many places with the belt, including a show which garnered hundreds of millions of views – but why does Tyrus wear his wrestling belt on Fox News, and other media outlets?

Why Does Tyrus Carry His Wrestling Belt On Fox News?

Tyrus carries his wrestling belt on Fox News to help promote the NWA brand, and make himself look better by presenting himself as a champion.

Tyrus, who also goes by his real name of George Murdoch, is a regular contributor to the Fox News late night program Gutfeld! (weeknights, 11PM-12AM/ET).

He is part of a panel that discusses the major political discussions of that week, and all members give their opinion on the matters.

Tyrus can regularly be seen on the programme with his NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship in tow. He keeps the title on his shoulder during the show, showcasing the “Ten Pounds Of Gold” on the show.

Tyrus also appeared in front of a huge audience in 2023. An add for Fox aired during this years Superbowl, which showcased a clip of Tyrus holding his NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship for hundreds of millions of people around the world to see.

You can watch the clip of Tyrus with his title belt on Fox News, appearing at the super bowl, down below.

What do you think about Tyrus carrying his NWA World’s Heavywight title belt on Fox News? Should he drop the belt soon, or have a lengthy run as the NWA Champion? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

39 thoughts on “Why Does Tyrus Carry His Wrestling Belt On Fox News?”

  1. I think it’s time to ditch the
    BELT; his popularity doesn’t need that Crutch; it actually looks Somewhat stupid @ this point! He just doesn’t need it!
    Love the Gutfeld show & Tyrus, but the belt @ this point is just an unwanted distraction!

    • Agree, he’s accomplished a lot and has shown his success and has shown support of his profession, it is well known and can now be interpreted as arrogance.

    • No need to show off a belt. He is very intelligent and a great wrestler. That should speak for itself. No need to show off with the belt. He really doesn’t need it to be successful on Gutfeld or anywhere else !!!!!

      • C’mon people…leave the guy alone. It’s no different then someone wearing a favorite piece of jewelry everyday. He had a horrendous childhood but emerged unscathed, making the choice to do what’s right & has an amazing character. There are so many who have sadly endured physical & mental abuse in their childhood & didn’t have the same outcome.

  2. I WAS a’lways INTERESTED TO HEAR TRYUS COMENTS had nothing to do with WWE UNTIL HE STARTED CARRYING THE BELT. I thought you were under a bad contract hope you are being payed well to do so.

  3. I watch the show often and had to look up why he has that belt draped across his shoulder. Tyrus, you are super smart and funny. Your identity shouldn’t be defined by your championship. It’s great that you have that title and all but it is very distracting. It kinda makes you look desperate for people to like and accept you because of your achievement. I like to hear the things you have to say on the show but when I see that belt I don’t think as highly of you as I would if you didn’t have it. I can understand you wearing that at a wrestling function but dude….you don’t need it on Gutfield. It’s kinda like a doctor (just example) always bragging and saying…”well, you know I AM a doctor.” You wearing that belt is like you constantly bragging…”well, I AM the wrestling champion.” There’s no humility in that! Tyrus, ditch the belt. You’re a likeable guy without it.

  4. his belt, his championship, his choice. I’m used to it now so it doesn’t bother me. maybe he gets paid, maybe he lost a bet, maybe he’s just proud…who cares? not me. by the way, anyone notice his eye look clearer now? they used to always be red and puffy. maybe the dr have him good eye drops for eye allergy. anyway, keep on doing you tyrus!

  5. Tyrus is strong, intelligent, funny and a critical thinker. I read his book and enjoyed it very much. He really needs to lose the belt. It does not add anything to his “persona”. It makes him look needy for attention. He can get all the positive attention on his own because of how he portrays HIMSELF and shows himself as an authentic person.

  6. I think the belt buckle looks like an insecure high school
    Athlete showing off his one and only claim to fame! I like Tyrus but enough of the “LOOK WHAT I WON”!!!!

  7. I’d like to hear Tyrus comment on an actor that would always carry their “Oscar” everywhere they might go. Or a high school valedictorian framed certificate at their side always. How about a Judge wearing their robe 24/7.

  8. Am I missing something? Isn’t NWA a staged wrestling match where the winner is chosen by the producers? What’s the grand accomplishment everyone keeps talking about? I watch Gutfeld all the time and appreciate Tyrus’ remarks, but let’s ditch the belt. It’s weird and out of place on a political commentary show.

  9. I enjoy Tyrus’s political views as well his views other than politics but I agree that the Belt is distracting. Just be you Tyrys !

  10. its getting old .makes you look immature…that shit is fake anyway little overacting don’t you think .come on get over yourself.what qualifies you as a news correspondent anyway i
    dont get it

  11. What’s wrong with all the men on here accusing Tyres of being needy and trying to tell him he doesn’t “need the belt” etc? Men have some weird hang-ups. did any of you ever stop to think about the fact that Tyres, just like any other athlete is promoting the WWE brand. All great athletes, especially championship athletes, have sponsors and it just so happens that his most important sponsor is most likely the WWE, who probably pays him VERY WELL to promote the brand. All the complainers with your self absorbed opinions should probably take a hard look at your own insecurities and fear of their own “neediness”, NEED to take a seat and let the man do his job. Leave it alone and stop trying to pick the guy apart…just STFU.

  12. I don’t get it. It’s like a toddler carrying around a security blanket. He’s not going to be the champion forever. Then again, Champion of what?? It’s all staged! I’m a veteran and us veterans, after having EARNED medals don’t wear them forever. Leave the blanket, sorry, belt at home!

  13. I am a fan of Tyrus, agreeing with most of his opinion. However, I have never been a fan of wrestling and I think everyone who wants to see his belt has seen it.

  14. The fact that we ALL had to google why Tyrus wears his stupid belt all of the time speaks for itself. It honestly makes me want to turn the channel.

  15. Give up the belt on fuck news please!!!! I’m tired of seeing it, Ok you won lose the over side belt!!! It’s getting old as hell!!!

  16. I read through the comments and laughed when some people called Tyrus intelligent. I have a near genius IQ and I have trouble understanding what Tyrus is rambling about. He makes so sense most of the time. He’s all over the place. Maybe he talks too much jive turkey and ebonics for me to comprehend.

  17. He got released by WWE because he can’t even fake wrestle… Dude’s a bonified loser on a lame satirical show. John Cena went to the bathroom WrestleMania so this ton of funk could dance for a few minutes because that’s all Jim McMahon thought he was worth.


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