Luchasaurus Had His Best Match Ever vs Darby Allin At All Out 2023

TNT Champion Luchasaurus (not Christian Cage) had his best match yet at All Out 2023, beating Darby Allin during an incredible title defense.

The dinosaur looked like an absolute monster, manhandling his smaller opponent throughout the match and taking him to his absolute limits.

With over 100lbs and a entire foot in height over Allin, Luchasaurus had every advantage going into the match, including his manager/glory hogger Christian Cage next to him at ringside.

Despite Christian Cage being the real people’s world champion, Luchasaurus was the man to defend the TNT Championship belt against Darby Allin at All Out 2023.

Luchasaurus looked like a complete monster, dinosaur-handling Darby Allin and forcing him to bleed early on by swinging him face-first into the steel steps.

This match was uncomfortable. Luchasaurus hit Allin with some huge hits, looking like he killed the young star on multiple occasions. This was a testament to the great selling by Darby Allin, and Luchasaurus’ work as a giant heel.

Darby Allin (sans Sting) had the crowd on it’s feet with some incredible death-defying comebacks, and almost won the match with a disgusting top-rope Code Red onto his 6 foot 7 opponent.

Luchasaurus won the match with a pair of Tombstone Pildrivers, followed by a clubbing clothesline to the back of the head. This was by far Luchasaurus’s best singles match, making him look like a true top heel in AEW.

The match was, to put it lightly, amazing.

Darby Allin’s selling was incredible, drawing heat from the crowd who immediately got behind him and wanted to see him take down the giant.

His lightning fast, high-flying offense kept the crowd on side, and gave a realistic chance fo him actually beating Luchasaurus.

However, the TNT Champion could not be beaten. He took everything Darby Allin could muster, swatting him away like a bug on numerous occasions.

Christian Cage proved to be the difference, attacking Nick Wayne with a conchairto to distract Allin, and cause him to lose Luchasaurus at the end of a brilliant match.

This match made Luchasaurus look like a total monster. I love it. This match gets a 4-star rating from me, and will be tough to beat by the rest of the show.

  • Dave Meltzer’s Star Ratings –
  • Cagematch Rating –
  • Atletifo Rating – 4 Stars

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