MJF Lied To Get His Friend Match Against Paul Wight

AEW Champion MJF is one of the few wrestlers today who tries to keep his heat outside the wrestling ring. He is known for always staying in character, and takes delight in insulting the fans at any chance he gets.

However, there is a softer side of MJF. The AEW Champion has been noted as being a completely different person backstage, being a very nice and polite young man.

He tries to keep this side of him out of the spotlight, although it has come through on a select few shoot interviews early on in his career.

MJF defeated Bryan Danielson in a 60-minute iron man match at AEW Revolution 2023

One story has come to light in recent weeks, about how he lied to AEW officials to get one of his friends, an independent wrestler, a shot at wrestling against a WWE legend in front of one of the biggest crowds AEW have ever had.

MJF will not want people to know this story, as it sheds a much more positive light on him than his character usually presents. However, it is important to remember that the wrestlers you see on TV are not their characters, and not to treat them as such in real life.

MJF Lied To Get His Friend A Spot In AEW

MJF told a small lie to help get his friend, independent wrestler Ricky Shane Page, a spot on an AEW show wrestling one of the biggest stars in WWE history.

Ricky Shane Page wrestled against former WWE Champion Paul Wight, formerly known as The Big Show, on AEW Dark Elevation that was filmed during the AEW Arthur Ashe Stadium show in 2021.

This was one of the four matches that Wight has had so far in AEW, owing to his poor health as he gets older. The bout was a three-on-one handicap match, with Paul Wight beating Ricky Shane Page, Carl Patrick Alabaster and Vinny Scalice.

However, Ricky Shane Page was not always booked for the show. In fact, he was not even in the city that the show was emanating from.

In an interview with Fightful, Ricky Shane Page (also known as RSP) revealed how MJF told AEW officials that his friend was in New York and could wrestle at the show, without consulting Page.

He then called RSP and told him to be in New York, which he instantly complied. He drove to the city, slept on Ethan Page’s hotel room floor (although the pair are not related) and wrestled Paul Wight in a huge match on the big show.

Speaking to Fightful, Ricky Shane Page said;

“So the day before the show, MJF called me and he was like, ‘Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?’ I was like, ‘Nothing. Why?’ He was like, ‘Can you be in New York?’ I was like, ‘Sure.’ I’m probably gonna get him in trouble, but he was like, ‘I told them you were in New York already, they need guys.’ I was like, ‘Okay.’

So I went literally took a shower, spray tanned, packed my bag and just drove overnight to New York. I slept on Ethan Page’s hotel room floor and I woke up the next morning and I was having a free continental breakfast for a room that I didn’t have at the hotel. Thank you, Tony Khan.

I was eating and Aubrey, the ref, came up to me and she was like, ‘Oh, hey. Do you know what you’re doing today?’ I was like, ‘No.’ She’s like, ‘You’re wrestling Paul Wight.’ I was like, ‘Shut the fuck up. No, I’m not,’ and she was like, ‘Oh yeah.’ I was like, ‘Uh, okay.’

So shout out MJF. He’s always looking out for me. He’s the best. It was so cool. Paul’s great. He’s a super good brother.”

MJF recently defeated Bryan Danielson at AEW Revolution, in one of the greatest Iron Man matches of all time. You can read all about that performance by clicking the link down below.

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